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Energy Poverty Advisory Hub
Scientific paper

Energy poverty: European analysis of national, regional and urban experiences. The case of the Iberian Peninsula


Publication date
11 April 2020
Provisional data


This paper describes a compilation of studies aimed at identifying areas at risk of energy poverty in the Iberian Peninsula. Examples of indicators developed in Portugal at the national and regional scale are compared with indicators developed in Spain at the urban and building scale. The similarities and differences of both methods are analysed to feed into the design of common strategies. The scales employed in the two countries range from national to regional, municipal to, neighbourhood and neighbourhood to building. Conclusions therefore focus on how best to accommodate for all building sector energy efficiency scales and future common methodologies for the accurate assessment of energy poverty.


11 APRIL 2020
Pobreza energética: experiencias europeas de análisis nacional, regional y urbano. El caso de la Península Ibérica