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POWERPOOR National Policy roadmaps to alleviate energy poverty

With the development of national roadmaps, POWERPOOR aimed to enable the application of the project's approach to promote integrated energy poverty mitigation policies across all regions and cities within the pilot countries.


Publication date
1 July 2023
Spain, Portugal, Latvia, Greece, Estonia, Croatia, Bulgaria, Hungary
EPAH Type of publication
Report (policy paper, recommendation)


In the POWERPOOR project, partners are actively assessing causes of energy poverty and suggest short-term and collective energy action solutions to mitigate this problem. A highly diverse network of Energy Supporters and Mentors has been trained and is being engaged to further support energy-poor households to implement solutions. The project also sets up Local Energy Poverty Mitigation Offices in engaged municipalities. POWERPOOR strives to trigger high-impact change, not only on the local and regional level, but also on the national and European level. Such a multi-level governance approach will result in long-lasting impact and coordination between local needs and national (e.g. National Energy and Climate Plans) and supra-national enabling frameworks.



POWERPOOR – Spain’s policy roadmap to alleviate energy poverty
POWERPOOR – Portugal’s policy roadmap to alleviate energy poverty
POWERPOOR – Greece’s policy roadmap to alleviate energy poverty
POWERPOOR – Estonia’s policy roadmap to alleviate energy poverty
POWERPOOR - Croatia's policy roadmap to alleviate energy poverty
POWERPOOR - Bulgaria's policy roadmap to alleviate energy poverty
POWERPOOR – Hungary’s policy roadmap to alleviate energy poverty
POWERPOOR - Latvia's policy roadmap to alleviate energy poverty