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Energy Poverty Advisory Hub

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In this section you can explore stakeholders working on energy poverty and browse through case studies.


The EPAH ATLAS is an interactive online database showcasing over 250 projects, measures, and policies from around the globe that address energy poverty. Use our interactive map, explore the comprehensive list of entries, and dive into detailed case information. Advanced filtering options allow you to navigate and find relevant projects tailored to your needs. Submit a new case ➔

EU Covenant of Mayors for Climate and Energy

An initiative by the European Commission, the EU Covenant of Mayors brings together thousands of local governments dedicated to securing a sustainable future for their citizens. Through collaborative efforts, these cities strive to meet ambitious climate and energy goals. Discover how EPAH and CoM collaborate to effectively support local governments in their efforts to tackle energy poverty. Explore our collaboration with the Covenant of Mayors ➔

Submit Your Organisation
Are you working on energy poverty? Submit your organization's information to be included in our EPAH database and connect with a broader network of practitioners and stakeholders. Submit a new organisation➔

Horizon 2020 & LIFE Programmes Addressing Energy Poverty
Supported by the European Climate, Infrastructure & Environment Executive Agency, projects under the Horizon 2020 & LIFE programmes provide innovative solutions to combat energy poverty. Discover the Horizon202 and LIFE projects ➔

Publications Database
Access a comprehensive database of publications on energy poverty from across Europe. Submit your own publications to share your research and insights with a wider audience. Submit a new publication ➔