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Energy Poverty Advisory Hub

The EPAH methodology

The Energy Poverty Advisory Hub (EPAH) team have developed a comprehensive and easy-to-follow methodology to assist municipalities and stakeholders working with municipalities to develop local actions to tackle energy poverty. This methodology targets local governments whether they are at the beginning of their journey or they have already prior experience in the field. The methodology is summarised in the “EPAH Handbooks: A Guide to Understanding and Addressing Energy Poverty”. It is a series of practical guidebooks for local governments and practitioners that ensure that the social dimensions of energy transition are addressed efficiently. This series consists of:

  • The “Introduction to the EPAH Handbooks: A Guide to Understanding and Addressing Energy Poverty” which establishes the common background to all three handbooks.
  • The “EPAH Handbook 1: A Guide to Energy Poverty Diagnosis" which focuses on the practical assessment of energy poverty at the local level
  • The “EPAH Handbook 2: A Guide to Planning Energy Poverty Mitigation Actions” which provides information on how to prepare
    and integrate an energy poverty mitigation plan within the Local Social Climate Plan
  • The “EPAH Handbook 3: A Guide to Implementing Energy Poverty Mitigation Actions” (coming up) which provides information on the execution of an effective energy poverty project.

The handbooks specifically target the staff of local governmental institutions, however, we welcome all the various actors to use these as a guide to better understand the energy poverty phenomenon at the local level, and to possibly gain additional perspective that can drive concrete change.