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Energy Poverty Advisory Hub

EPAH publications

EPAH publications (16)

  • Report (policy paper, recommendation)

The “Energy Poverty Advisory Hub (EPAH) Handbooks: A Guide to Understanding and Addressing Energy Poverty” are a series of practical guidebooks for local governments and practitioners which ensure that the social dimensions of energy transition are addressed efficiently.

  • Report (policy paper, recommendation)
This publication deconstructs the diagnosis phase to provide step-by-step guidance and activities for conducting a local diagnosis. Designed to be adapted for each local government, this flexible framework addresses the different sequences of the diagnosis, from the contextualisation of the phenomen

  • Report (policy paper, recommendation)
This report explores each one of the 21 indicators available to compare EU countries by providing details and explaining the limits and application suggestions of these indicators in national contexts. The national indicators dashboard offers you the possibility to navigate through these indicators.

  • Report (policy paper, recommendation)

These guidelines provide an overview for signatories of the energy poverty pillar in the CoM Europe framework and the support options that are available to them.