On this page, you may find EPAH indicators organised by topics for each European country. In this indicators collection, we use publicly available EU-wide datasets, so you may find that some data is unavailable for specific years or countries due to the timeline of data collection for such datasets, their geographical coverage or the update at the EU level of these statistics. However, this does not mean that the specific country does not have this or similar information to explore. You may like to visit national statistical databases to find more details on a particular topic.
Arrears on utility bills
At risk of poverty or social exclusion
Causes of death
Cooling degree days
Disposable annual household income
Dwellings with energy label A
Energy expenses by income quintile
Energy prices
Excess winter mortality/deaths
Final consumption expenditure of households
Final energy consumption in households by energy use
Final energy consumption in households by type of fuel
Heating degree days
High share of energy expenditure in income (2M)
Housing cost overburden rate
Inability to keep home adequately warm
Low absolute energy expenditure (M/2)
Population considering their dwelling as too dark
Population living in a dwelling equipped with air conditioning
Population living in a dwelling equipped with heating facilities
Population living in a dwelling with presence of leak, damp and rot
Population living in dwellings comfortably cool in summer time
Population living in dwellings comfortably warm in winter time
Population reporting a chronic disease
Population who cannot afford a regular use of public transport
All causes of death excluding injury, poisoning and certain other consequences of external causes
Accidental poisoning by and exposure to noxious substances
Diseases of the circulatory system
Diseases of the respiratory system
Diseases of the skin and subcutaneous tissue
Mental and behavioural disorders
Total by NUTS region
Above 60% of median equivalised income
Accommodation is provided free
Accommodation is provided free
Accommodation is rented at a reduced rate
Accommodation is rented at a reduced rate
Apartment or flat in a building with 10 or more dwellings
Apartment or flat in a building with 10 or more dwellings
Apartment or flat in a building with less than 10 dwellings
Apartment or flat in a building with less than 10 dwellings
Appartment house
Below 60% of median equivalised income
Densely populated
Densely populated
Densely populated
Detached house
Detached house
Detached house
Income 1
Income 2
Income 3
Income 4
Income 5
Income 6
Income 7
Income 8
Income 9
Income 10
Income quintile 1
Income quintile 1
Income quintile 2
Income quintile 2
Income quintile 3
Income quintile 3
Income quintile 4
Income quintile 4
Income quintile 5
Income quintile 5
Intermediate populated
Intermediate urbanisation
Intermediate urbanisation
One adult 65 years or over
Outright owner
Outright owner
Outright owner
Owner paying mortgage
Owner paying mortgage
Semi-detached or terraced house
Semi-detached or terraced house
Semi-detechad or terraced house
Single person with dependent children
Tenant/subtenant paying rent at market rate
Tenant/subtenant paying rent at market rate
Tenant/subtenant paying rent at market rate
Tenant/subtenant paying rent at reduced or free rate
Thinly populated
Thinly populated
Thinly populated
Two adults with three or more dependent children
Chronic lower respiratory diseases (excluding asthma)
Coronary heart disease or angina pectoris
Heart attack or chronic consequences of heart attack
High blood lipids
High blood pressure
Stroke or chronic consequences of stroke
From 16 to 29 years
From 16 to 64 years
65 years or over
First quintile
Second quintile
Third quintile
Fourth quintile
Fifth quintile
Household composed of one adult 65 years or over
Household composed of one adult with dependent children
Household composed of two adults with three or more dependent children
Owner, no outstanding mortgage or housing loan
Owner, with mortgage or loan
Rural areas
Tenant, rent at market price
Tenant, rent at reduced price or free
Towns and suburbs
Accommodation is provided free
Accommodation is provided free
Accommodation is rented at a reduced or free rate
Accommodation is rented at a reduced rate
Accommodation is rented at a reduced rate
Apartment or flat in a building with 10 or more dwellings
Apartment or flat in a building with 10 or more dwellings
Apartment or flat in a building with less than 10 dwellings
Apartment or flat in a building with less than 10 dwellings
Appartment house
Country averages
Country average
Densely populated
Densely populated
Detached house
Detached house
Detached house
Households with arrears on utility bills at least twice per year
Households with arrears on utility bills at least twice per year
Households with arrears on utility bills once per year
Households with arrears on utility bills once per year
Income 1
Income 2
Income 3
Income 4
Income 5
Income 6
Income 7
Income 8
Income 9
Income 10
Income quintile 1
Income quintile 1
Income quintile 2
Income quintile 2
Income quintile 3
Income quintile 3
Income quintile 4
Income quintile 4
Income quintile 5
Income quintile 5
Intermediate populated
Intermediate urbanisation
Intermediate urbanisation
No disaggregation
Arrears by NUTS region
Outright owner
Outright owner
Outright owner
Owner paying mortgage
Owner paying mortgage
Semi-detached or terraced house
Semi-detached or terraced house
Semi-detached or terraced house
Tenant/subtenant paying rent at market rate
Tenant/subtenant paying rent at market rate
Tenant/subtenant paying rent at market rate
Thinly populated
Thinly populated
Thinly populated
Urbanisation densely populated
Actual rentals for housing
Goods and services for routine household maintenance
Electricity, gas and other fuels
Food and non-alcoholic beverages
Imputed rentals for housing
Maintenance and repair of the dwelling
Operation of personal transport equipment
Purchase of vehicles
Transport services
Water supply and miscellaneous services relating to the dwelling
From 16 to 29 years
Total by NUTS region
From 18 to 64 years
65 years or over
Above 60% of median equivalised income
Below 60% of median equivalised income
Densely populated
Income decile 1
Income decile 2
Income decile 3
Income decile 4
Income decile 5
Income decile 6
Income decile 7
Income decile 8
Income decile 9
Income decile 10
Intermediate urbanisation
No disaggregation
Thinly populated
From 16 to 29 years
From 16 to 64 years
65 years or over
Above 60% of median equivalised income
Below 60% of median equivalised income
First quintile
Second quintile
Third quintile
Fourth quintile
Fifth quintile
Not employed persons
Other persons outside the labour force (former name: inactive persons)
Retired persons
Unemployed persons
Energy expenses, income quintile 1
Energy expenses, income quintile 2
Energy expenses, income quintile 3
Energy expenses, income quintile 4
Energy expenses, income quintile 5
Lighting and electrical applicances
Space cooling
Space heating
Water heating
Other end use
Biomass prices
Coal prices
District heating prices
Fuel oil prices
Household electricity prices
Household natural gas prices
Densely populated
Income decile 1
Income decile 2
Income decile 3
Income decile 4
Income decile 5
Income decile 6
Income decile 7
Income decile 8
Income decile 9
Income decile 10
Intermediate urbanisation
No disaggregation
Thinly populated
Less than 18 years
From 18 to 64 years
65 years or over
Above 60% of median equivalised income
Below 60% of median equivalised income
One adult 65 years or over
Single person with dependent children
Two adults with three or more dependent children
Ambient heat (heat pumps)
Natural gas
Oil and petroleum products
Primary solid biofuels
Solar thermal
Solid fossil fuels, peat, peat products, oil shale and oil sands
% of population
Number of days
Purchasing power standard (PPS, EU27 from 2020), per inhabitant
% of dwellings
% of population
% of population
Current prices, euro per capita
EUROSTAT Population (%)
EUROSTAT Population (%)
Number of days
EUROSTAT Population (%)
EUROSTAT Population (%)
% of population
% of population
% of population
% of population
% of population
% of population
EUROSTAT Population (%)
number of deaths per 100,000 inhabitants
number of deaths per 100,000 inhabitants
number of deaths per 100,000 inhabitants
number of deaths per 100,000 inhabitants
number of deaths per 100,000 inhabitants
number of deaths per 100,000 inhabitants
number of deaths per 100,000 inhabitants
% of households
% of households
% of households
% of population
% of households
% of population
% of households
% of population
% of households
% of population
% of households
% of households
% of households
% of households
% of population
% of households
% of households
% of population
% of households
% of households
% of households
% of households
% of households
% of households
% of households
% of households
% of households
% of households
% of households
% of population
% of households
% of population
% of households
% of population
% of households
% of population
% of households
% of population
% of households
% of households
% of population
% of households
% of households
% of households
% of population
% of households
% of households
% of households
% of population
% of households
% of households
% of households
% of households
% of population
% of households
% of households
% of households
% of population
% of households
% of households
Population (%)
Population (%)
Population (%)
Population (%)
Population (%)
Population (%)
Population (%)
Population (%)
Population (%)
Population (%)
Population (%)
Population (%)
Population (%)
Population (%)
Population (%)
Population (%)
Population (%)
Population (%)
Population (%)
Population (%)
Population (%)
Population (%)
Population (%)
Population (%)
Population (%)
Population (%)
Population (%)
Population (%)
% of population
% of households
% of households
% of population
% of households
% of population
% of households
% of population
% of households
% of households
% of population
% of households
% of population
% of households
% of population
% of households
% of households
% of population
% of households
% of population
% of households
% of households
% of households
% of households
% of households
% of households
% of households
% of households
% of households
% of households
% of households
% of population
% of households
% of population
% of households
% of population
% of households
% of population
% of households
% of population
% of households
% of households
% of population
% of households
% of households
% of households
% of population
% of households
% of households
% of households
% of households
% of population
% of households
% of households
% of population
% of households
% of households
% of population
% of households
% of households
% of population
Current prices, thousand euro per capita
Current prices, thousand euro per capita
Current prices, thousand euro per capita
Current prices, thousand euro per capita
Current prices, thousand euro per capita
Current prices, thousand euro per capita
Current prices, thousand euro per capita
Current prices, thousand euro per capita
Current prices, thousand euro per capita
Current prices, thousand euro per capita
Current prices, thousand euro per capita
Current prices, thousand euro per capita
EUROSTAT Population (%)
EUROSTAT Population (%)
% of population
EUROSTAT Population (%)
EUROSTAT Population (%)
EUROSTAT Population (%)
EUROSTAT Population (%)
EUROSTAT Population (%)
EUROSTAT Population (%)
% of households
% of households
% of households
% of households
% of households
% of households
% of households
% of households
% of households
% of households
% of households
% of households
% of households
% of households
Population (%)
Population (%)
Population (%)
Population (%)
Population (%)
Population (%)
Population (%)
Population (%)
Population (%)
Population (%)
Population (%)
Population (%)
Population (%)
Population (%)
Population (%)
Population (%)
Population (%)
% of Energy Expenditures on Income
% of Energy Expenditures on Income
% of Energy Expenditures on Income
% of Energy Expenditures on Income
% of Energy Expenditures on Income
[PJ] PetaJoule
[PJ] PetaJoule
[PJ] PetaJoule
[PJ] PetaJoule
[PJ] PetaJoule
[PJ] PetaJoule
[PJ] PetaJoule
% of households
% of households
% of households
% of households
% of households
% of households
% of households
% of households
% of households
% of households
% of households
% of households
% of households
% of households
Population (%)
Population (%)
Population (%)
Population (%)
Population (%)
Population (%)
Population (%)
Population (%)
Population (%)
Population (%)
Population (%)
[PJ] PetaJoule
[TJ] Terajoule
[PJ] PetaJoule
[PJ] PetaJoule
[PJ] PetaJoule
[PJ] PetaJoule
[PJ] PetaJoule
[PJ] PetaJoule
[PJ] PetaJoule
[PJ] PetaJoule
Population (%)
Population (%)
Population (%)
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This indicator may primarily capture poverty in general, cross-examination with impact assessments of energy-related social policies would be needed for using the indicator in an energy poverty diagnosis.
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This indicator provides insight into climate variables and the building’s energy needs for cooling, which is intrinsically connected to energy poverty. However, it does not account for buildings’ energy efficiency or affordability, which can vary significantly across households and regions. Moreover, the indicator focuses on average temperatures, and it is not the most appropriate to capture short-timed temperature fluctuations, such as heat waves, which can considerably impact residential energy consumption and thermal comfort. Combining it with indicators such as the "Final Energy Consumption in Households" and "Inability to heat or cool", can help build a more comprehensive picture of energy poverty.
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This indicator is an effective tool for assessing the economic well-being of EU households and identifying locations at risk of energy poverty due to low disposable income levels. However, it cannot fully reflect the complexities of energy poverty and should be complemented with additional variables relating to energy use, efficiency, and specific energy-related expenses.
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Being the only indicator that directly focuses on this dimension, it is of significant relevance for national assessments. However, focusing only on energy label A leaves behind information on the worst performing buildings, and additional indicators on the economic and social dimensions can significantly expand the use and relevance of this indicator in an energy poverty diagnosis. Learn more
It is advisable to cross-analyse this indicator with others related to building energy efficiency, energy expenditure, income levels, population density, material deprivation, or access to medical services, as they would enable the ruling out of some possible misrepresentations. Learn more
This indicator provides insight into climate variables and the building’s energy needs for heating, which is intrinsically connected to energy poverty. However, it does not account for buildings’ energy efficiency or affordability, which can vary significantly across households and regions. Moreover, the indicator focuses on average temperatures, and it is not the most appropriate to capture short-timed temperature fluctuations, such as heat waves, which can considerably impact residential energy consumption and thermal comfort. Combining it with indicators such as the "Final Energy Consumption in Households" and "Inability to heat or cool", can help build a more comprehensive picture of energy poverty. Learn more
Owning an air conditioner is not a synonym for not being in energy poverty. A household might not use it, use other equipment for space heating, or live in a region with mild summers where natural ventilation is enough. Learn more
The fact that a household owns equipment does not necessarily mean that they use it often or at all. Thus, the cross-analysis of this indicator with data on space heating patterns, including duration, schedule, and proportion of space heated, as well as the type of energy carrier, equipment age, and efficiency, can provide more detailed conclusions. Learn more
This indicator refers foremost to the consequences of poor construction practices of dwellings and humid indoor conditions and may not be directly connected to situations of energy poverty but can also be a consequence of an inability to keep the house adequately warm. Studying these two indicators together may provide a more complete picture of the problem.
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Summer energy poverty is an increasing concern in the EU and is still an overlooked issue. Combined with knowledge of the ownership of cooling systems and space cooling energy consumption patterns, this indicator can be useful for a comprehensive understanding of summer energy poverty vulnerabilities. Learn more
Being a subjective indicator, the self-reporting of thermal comfort is influenced by a series of factors for consensual-based indicators such as gender, age, socioeconomic situation, culture, and social practices, which justify various possible results both within one- and across countries. Learn more
The cause of death can be determined by a diversity of factors, some of which might be related to a situation of energy poverty. By identifying the main cause, this indicator does not reflect all the risk factors contributing to mortality. Thus, it should be analysed jointly with the "Pop. reporting chronic disease" indicator to identify potential contributing factors and their relationship with energy poverty. It should be mentioned that variations in medical diagnosis may result in unequal reporting across regions or countries.
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The cause of death can be determined by a diversity of factors, some of which might be related to a situation of energy poverty. By identifying the main cause, this indicator does not reflect all the risk factors contributing to mortality. Thus, it should be analysed jointly with the "Pop. reporting chronic disease" indicator to identify potential contributing factors and their relationship with energy poverty. It should be mentioned that variations in medical diagnosis may result in unequal reporting across regions or countries. Learn more
The cause of death can be determined by a diversity of factors, some of which might be related to a situation of energy poverty. By identifying the main cause, this indicator does not reflect all the risk factors contributing to mortality. Thus, it should be analysed jointly with the "Pop. reporting chronic disease" indicator to identify potential contributing factors and their relationship with energy poverty. It should be mentioned that variations in medical diagnosis may result in unequal reporting across regions or countries.
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The cause of death can be determined by a diversity of factors, some of which might be related to a situation of energy poverty. By identifying the main cause, this indicator does not reflect all the risk factors contributing to mortality. Thus, it should be analysed jointly with the "Pop. reporting chronic disease" indicator to identify potential contributing factors and their relationship with energy poverty. It should be mentioned that variations in medical diagnosis may result in unequal reporting across regions or countries.
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The cause of death can be determined by a diversity of factors, some of which might be related to a situation of energy poverty. By identifying the main cause, this indicator does not reflect all the risk factors contributing to mortality. Thus, it should be analysed jointly with the "Pop. reporting chronic disease" indicator to identify potential contributing factors and their relationship with energy poverty. It should be mentioned that variations in medical diagnosis may result in unequal reporting across regions or countries.
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The cause of death can be determined by a diversity of factors, some of which might be related to a situation of energy poverty. By identifying the main cause, this indicator does not reflect all the risk factors contributing to mortality. Thus, it should be analysed jointly with the "Pop. reporting chronic disease" indicator to identify potential contributing factors and their relationship with energy poverty. It should be mentioned that variations in medical diagnosis may result in unequal reporting across regions or countries.
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The cause of death can be determined by a diversity of factors, some of which might be related to a situation of energy poverty. By identifying the main cause, this indicator does not reflect all the risk factors contributing to mortality. Thus, it should be analysed jointly with the "Pop. reporting chronic disease" indicator to identify potential contributing factors and their relationship with energy poverty. It should be mentioned that variations in medical diagnosis may result in unequal reporting across regions or countries.
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This indicator refers to an individual's perception of ‘adequately', which may differ from one country to another or between age groups, etc. The indicator only refers to the warmth and does not cover summer energy poverty. The indicator does not provide information on the causes for the inability; hence, it should be analyzed together with other indicators, such as energy expenditures, to identify potential causes. Learn more
This indicator refers to an individual's perception of ‘adequately', which may differ from one country to another or between age groups, etc. The indicator only refers to the warmth and does not cover summer energy poverty. The indicator does not provide information on the causes for the inability; hence, it should be analyzed together with other indicators, such as energy expenditures, to identify potential causes. Learn more
This indicator refers to an individual's perception of ‘adequately', which may differ from one country to another or between age groups, etc. The indicator only refers to the warmth and does not cover summer energy poverty. The indicator does not provide information on the causes for the inability; hence, it should be analyzed together with other indicators, such as energy expenditures, to identify potential causes. Learn more
This indicator refers to an individual's perception of ‘adequately', which may differ from one country to another or between age groups, etc. The indicator only refers to the warmth and does not cover summer energy poverty. The indicator does not provide information on the causes for the inability; hence, it should be analyzed together with other indicators, such as energy expenditures, to identify potential causes. Learn more
This indicator refers to an individual's perception of ‘adequately', which may differ from one country to another or between age groups, etc. The indicator only refers to the warmth and does not cover summer energy poverty. The indicator does not provide information on the causes for the inability; hence, it should be analyzed together with other indicators, such as energy expenditures, to identify potential causes.
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This indicator refers to an individual's perception of ‘adequately', which may differ from one country to another or between age groups, etc. The indicator only refers to the warmth and does not cover summer energy poverty. The indicator does not provide information on the causes for the inability; hence, it should be analyzed together with other indicators, such as energy expenditures, to identify potential causes. Learn more
This indicator refers to an individual's perception of ‘adequately', which may differ from one country to another or between age groups, etc. The indicator only refers to the warmth and does not cover summer energy poverty. The indicator does not provide information on the causes for the inability; hence, it should be analyzed together with other indicators, such as energy expenditures, to identify potential causes.
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This indicator refers to an individual's perception of ‘adequately', which may differ from one country to another or between age groups, etc. The indicator only refers to the warmth and does not cover summer energy poverty. The indicator does not provide information on the causes for the inability; hence, it should be analyzed together with other indicators, such as energy expenditures, to identify potential causes. Learn more
This indicator refers to an individual's perception of ‘adequately', which may differ from one country to another or between age groups, etc. The indicator only refers to the warmth and does not cover summer energy poverty. The indicator does not provide information on the causes for the inability; hence, it should be analyzed together with other indicators, such as energy expenditures, to identify potential causes.
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This indicator refers to an individual's perception of ‘adequately', which may differ from one country to another or between age groups, etc. The indicator only refers to the warmth and does not cover summer energy poverty. The indicator does not provide information on the causes for the inability; hence, it should be analyzed together with other indicators, such as energy expenditures, to identify potential causes. Learn more
This indicator refers to an individual's perception of ‘adequately', which may differ from one country to another or between age groups, etc. The indicator only refers to the warmth and does not cover summer energy poverty. The indicator does not provide information on the causes for the inability; hence, it should be analyzed together with other indicators, such as energy expenditures, to identify potential causes.
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This indicator refers to an individual's perception of ‘adequately', which may differ from one country to another or between age groups, etc. The indicator only refers to the warmth and does not cover summer energy poverty. The indicator does not provide information on the causes for the inability; hence, it should be analyzed together with other indicators, such as energy expenditures, to identify potential causes. Learn more
This indicator refers to an individual's perception of ‘adequately', which may differ from one country to another or between age groups, etc. The indicator only refers to the warmth and does not cover summer energy poverty. The indicator does not provide information on the causes for the inability; hence, it should be analyzed together with other indicators, such as energy expenditures, to identify potential causes. Learn more
This indicator refers to an individual's perception of ‘adequately', which may differ from one country to another or between age groups, etc. The indicator only refers to the warmth and does not cover summer energy poverty. The indicator does not provide information on the causes for the inability; hence, it should be analyzed together with other indicators, such as energy expenditures, to identify potential causes. Learn more
This indicator refers to an individual's perception of ‘adequately', which may differ from one country to another or between age groups, etc. The indicator only refers to the warmth and does not cover summer energy poverty. The indicator does not provide information on the causes for the inability; hence, it should be analyzed together with other indicators, such as energy expenditures, to identify potential causes. Learn more
This indicator refers to an individual's perception of ‘adequately', which may differ from one country to another or between age groups, etc. The indicator only refers to the warmth and does not cover summer energy poverty. The indicator does not provide information on the causes for the inability; hence, it should be analyzed together with other indicators, such as energy expenditures, to identify potential causes.
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This indicator refers to an individual's perception of ‘adequately', which may differ from one country to another or between age groups, etc. The indicator only refers to the warmth and does not cover summer energy poverty. The indicator does not provide information on the causes for the inability; hence, it should be analyzed together with other indicators, such as energy expenditures, to identify potential causes. Learn more
This indicator refers to an individual's perception of ‘adequately', which may differ from one country to another or between age groups, etc. The indicator only refers to the warmth and does not cover summer energy poverty. The indicator does not provide information on the causes for the inability; hence, it should be analyzed together with other indicators, such as energy expenditures, to identify potential causes. Learn more
This indicator refers to an individual's perception of ‘adequately', which may differ from one country to another or between age groups, etc. The indicator only refers to the warmth and does not cover summer energy poverty. The indicator does not provide information on the causes for the inability; hence, it should be analyzed together with other indicators, such as energy expenditures, to identify potential causes.
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This indicator refers to an individual's perception of ‘adequately', which may differ from one country to another or between age groups, etc. The indicator only refers to the warmth and does not cover summer energy poverty. The indicator does not provide information on the causes for the inability; hence, it should be analyzed together with other indicators, such as energy expenditures, to identify potential causes. Learn more
This indicator refers to an individual's perception of ‘adequately', which may differ from one country to another or between age groups, etc. The indicator only refers to the warmth and does not cover summer energy poverty. The indicator does not provide information on the causes for the inability; hence, it should be analyzed together with other indicators, such as energy expenditures, to identify potential causes. Learn more
This indicator refers to an individual's perception of ‘adequately', which may differ from one country to another or between age groups, etc. The indicator only refers to the warmth and does not cover summer energy poverty. The indicator does not provide information on the causes for the inability; hence, it should be analyzed together with other indicators, such as energy expenditures, to identify potential causes. Learn more
This indicator refers to an individual's perception of ‘adequately', which may differ from one country to another or between age groups, etc. The indicator only refers to the warmth and does not cover summer energy poverty. The indicator does not provide information on the causes for the inability; hence, it should be analyzed together with other indicators, such as energy expenditures, to identify potential causes. Learn more
This indicator refers to an individual's perception of ‘adequately', which may differ from one country to another or between age groups, etc. The indicator only refers to the warmth and does not cover summer energy poverty. The indicator does not provide information on the causes for the inability; hence, it should be analyzed together with other indicators, such as energy expenditures, to identify potential causes. Learn more
This indicator refers to an individual's perception of ‘adequately', which may differ from one country to another or between age groups, etc. The indicator only refers to the warmth and does not cover summer energy poverty. The indicator does not provide information on the causes for the inability; hence, it should be analyzed together with other indicators, such as energy expenditures, to identify potential causes. Learn more
This indicator refers to an individual's perception of ‘adequately', which may differ from one country to another or between age groups, etc. The indicator only refers to the warmth and does not cover summer energy poverty. The indicator does not provide information on the causes for the inability; hence, it should be analyzed together with other indicators, such as energy expenditures, to identify potential causes. Learn more
This indicator refers to an individual's perception of ‘adequately', which may differ from one country to another or between age groups, etc. The indicator only refers to the warmth and does not cover summer energy poverty. The indicator does not provide information on the causes for the inability; hence, it should be analyzed together with other indicators, such as energy expenditures, to identify potential causes. Learn more
This indicator refers to an individual's perception of ‘adequately', which may differ from one country to another or between age groups, etc. The indicator only refers to the warmth and does not cover summer energy poverty. The indicator does not provide information on the causes for the inability; hence, it should be analyzed together with other indicators, such as energy expenditures, to identify potential causes. Learn more
This indicator refers to an individual's perception of ‘adequately', which may differ from one country to another or between age groups, etc. The indicator only refers to the warmth and does not cover summer energy poverty. The indicator does not provide information on the causes for the inability; hence, it should be analyzed together with other indicators, such as energy expenditures, to identify potential causes. Learn more
This indicator refers to an individual's perception of ‘adequately', which may differ from one country to another or between age groups, etc. The indicator only refers to the warmth and does not cover summer energy poverty. The indicator does not provide information on the causes for the inability; hence, it should be analyzed together with other indicators, such as energy expenditures, to identify potential causes. Learn more
This indicator refers to an individual's perception of ‘adequately', which may differ from one country to another or between age groups, etc. The indicator only refers to the warmth and does not cover summer energy poverty. The indicator does not provide information on the causes for the inability; hence, it should be analyzed together with other indicators, such as energy expenditures, to identify potential causes. Learn more
This indicator refers to an individual's perception of ‘adequately', which may differ from one country to another or between age groups, etc. The indicator only refers to the warmth and does not cover summer energy poverty. The indicator does not provide information on the causes for the inability; hence, it should be analyzed together with other indicators, such as energy expenditures, to identify potential causes. Learn more
This indicator refers to an individual's perception of ‘adequately', which may differ from one country to another or between age groups, etc. The indicator only refers to the warmth and does not cover summer energy poverty. The indicator does not provide information on the causes for the inability; hence, it should be analyzed together with other indicators, such as energy expenditures, to identify potential causes. Learn more
This indicator refers to an individual's perception of ‘adequately', which may differ from one country to another or between age groups, etc. The indicator only refers to the warmth and does not cover summer energy poverty. The indicator does not provide information on the causes for the inability; hence, it should be analyzed together with other indicators, such as energy expenditures, to identify potential causes. Learn more
This indicator refers to an individual's perception of ‘adequately', which may differ from one country to another or between age groups, etc. The indicator only refers to the warmth and does not cover summer energy poverty. The indicator does not provide information on the causes for the inability; hence, it should be analyzed together with other indicators, such as energy expenditures, to identify potential causes. Learn more
This indicator refers to an individual's perception of ‘adequately', which may differ from one country to another or between age groups, etc. The indicator only refers to the warmth and does not cover summer energy poverty. The indicator does not provide information on the causes for the inability; hence, it should be analyzed together with other indicators, such as energy expenditures, to identify potential causes. Learn more
This indicator refers to an individual's perception of ‘adequately', which may differ from one country to another or between age groups, etc. The indicator only refers to the warmth and does not cover summer energy poverty. The indicator does not provide information on the causes for the inability; hence, it should be analyzed together with other indicators, such as energy expenditures, to identify potential causes. Learn more
This indicator refers to an individual's perception of ‘adequately', which may differ from one country to another or between age groups, etc. The indicator only refers to the warmth and does not cover summer energy poverty. The indicator does not provide information on the causes for the inability; hence, it should be analyzed together with other indicators, such as energy expenditures, to identify potential causes. Learn more
This indicator refers to an individual's perception of ‘adequately', which may differ from one country to another or between age groups, etc. The indicator only refers to the warmth and does not cover summer energy poverty. The indicator does not provide information on the causes for the inability; hence, it should be analyzed together with other indicators, such as energy expenditures, to identify potential causes. Learn more
This indicator refers to an individual's perception of ‘adequately', which may differ from one country to another or between age groups, etc. The indicator only refers to the warmth and does not cover summer energy poverty. The indicator does not provide information on the causes for the inability; hence, it should be analyzed together with other indicators, such as energy expenditures, to identify potential causes. Learn more
This indicator refers to an individual's perception of ‘adequately', which may differ from one country to another or between age groups, etc. The indicator only refers to the warmth and does not cover summer energy poverty. The indicator does not provide information on the causes for the inability; hence, it should be analyzed together with other indicators, such as energy expenditures, to identify potential causes. Learn more
This indicator refers to an individual's perception of ‘adequately', which may differ from one country to another or between age groups, etc. The indicator only refers to the warmth and does not cover summer energy poverty. The indicator does not provide information on the causes for the inability; hence, it should be analyzed together with other indicators, such as energy expenditures, to identify potential causes. Learn more
This indicator refers to an individual's perception of ‘adequately', which may differ from one country to another or between age groups, etc. The indicator only refers to the warmth and does not cover summer energy poverty. The indicator does not provide information on the causes for the inability; hence, it should be analyzed together with other indicators, such as energy expenditures, to identify potential causes. Learn more
This indicator refers to an individual's perception of ‘adequately', which may differ from one country to another or between age groups, etc. The indicator only refers to the warmth and does not cover summer energy poverty. The indicator does not provide information on the causes for the inability; hence, it should be analyzed together with other indicators, such as energy expenditures, to identify potential causes. Learn more
This indicator refers to an individual's perception of ‘adequately', which may differ from one country to another or between age groups, etc. The indicator only refers to the warmth and does not cover summer energy poverty. The indicator does not provide information on the causes for the inability; hence, it should be analyzed together with other indicators, such as energy expenditures, to identify potential causes. Learn more
This indicator refers to an individual's perception of ‘adequately', which may differ from one country to another or between age groups, etc. The indicator only refers to the warmth and does not cover summer energy poverty. The indicator does not provide information on the causes for the inability; hence, it should be analyzed together with other indicators, such as energy expenditures, to identify potential causes. Learn more
This indicator refers to an individual's perception of ‘adequately', which may differ from one country to another or between age groups, etc. The indicator only refers to the warmth and does not cover summer energy poverty. The indicator does not provide information on the causes for the inability; hence, it should be analyzed together with other indicators, such as energy expenditures, to identify potential causes. Learn more
This indicator refers to an individual's perception of ‘adequately', which may differ from one country to another or between age groups, etc. The indicator only refers to the warmth and does not cover summer energy poverty. The indicator does not provide information on the causes for the inability; hence, it should be analyzed together with other indicators, such as energy expenditures, to identify potential causes. Learn more
This indicator refers to an individual's perception of ‘adequately', which may differ from one country to another or between age groups, etc. The indicator only refers to the warmth and does not cover summer energy poverty. The indicator does not provide information on the causes for the inability; hence, it should be analyzed together with other indicators, such as energy expenditures, to identify potential causes. Learn more
This indicator refers to an individual's perception of ‘adequately', which may differ from one country to another or between age groups, etc. The indicator only refers to the warmth and does not cover summer energy poverty. The indicator does not provide information on the causes for the inability; hence, it should be analyzed together with other indicators, such as energy expenditures, to identify potential causes. Learn more
This indicator refers to an individual's perception of ‘adequately', which may differ from one country to another or between age groups, etc. The indicator only refers to the warmth and does not cover summer energy poverty. The indicator does not provide information on the causes for the inability; hence, it should be analyzed together with other indicators, such as energy expenditures, to identify potential causes. Learn more
This indicator refers to an individual's perception of ‘adequately', which may differ from one country to another or between age groups, etc. The indicator only refers to the warmth and does not cover summer energy poverty. The indicator does not provide information on the causes for the inability; hence, it should be analyzed together with other indicators, such as energy expenditures, to identify potential causes. Learn more
This indicator refers to an individual's perception of ‘adequately', which may differ from one country to another or between age groups, etc. The indicator only refers to the warmth and does not cover summer energy poverty. The indicator does not provide information on the causes for the inability; hence, it should be analyzed together with other indicators, such as energy expenditures, to identify potential causes. Learn more
This indicator refers to an individual's perception of ‘adequately', which may differ from one country to another or between age groups, etc. The indicator only refers to the warmth and does not cover summer energy poverty. The indicator does not provide information on the causes for the inability; hence, it should be analyzed together with other indicators, such as energy expenditures, to identify potential causes. Learn more
This indicator refers to an individual's perception of ‘adequately', which may differ from one country to another or between age groups, etc. The indicator only refers to the warmth and does not cover summer energy poverty. The indicator does not provide information on the causes for the inability; hence, it should be analyzed together with other indicators, such as energy expenditures, to identify potential causes. Learn more
This indicator refers to an individual's perception of ‘adequately', which may differ from one country to another or between age groups, etc. The indicator only refers to the warmth and does not cover summer energy poverty. The indicator does not provide information on the causes for the inability; hence, it should be analyzed together with other indicators, such as energy expenditures, to identify potential causes. Learn more
This indicator refers to an individual's perception of ‘adequately', which may differ from one country to another or between age groups, etc. The indicator only refers to the warmth and does not cover summer energy poverty. The indicator does not provide information on the causes for the inability; hence, it should be analyzed together with other indicators, such as energy expenditures, to identify potential causes. Learn more
This indicator refers to an individual's perception of ‘adequately', which may differ from one country to another or between age groups, etc. The indicator only refers to the warmth and does not cover summer energy poverty. The indicator does not provide information on the causes for the inability; hence, it should be analyzed together with other indicators, such as energy expenditures, to identify potential causes. Learn more
This indicator refers to an individual's perception of ‘adequately', which may differ from one country to another or between age groups, etc. The indicator only refers to the warmth and does not cover summer energy poverty. The indicator does not provide information on the causes for the inability; hence, it should be analyzed together with other indicators, such as energy expenditures, to identify potential causes. Learn more
This indicator refers to an individual's perception of ‘adequately', which may differ from one country to another or between age groups, etc. The indicator only refers to the warmth and does not cover summer energy poverty. The indicator does not provide information on the causes for the inability; hence, it should be analyzed together with other indicators, such as energy expenditures, to identify potential causes. Learn more
Chronic diseases can be either a symptom or a cause of energy poverty. Due to their complexity and multicausality, it is challenging to draw a connection between their occurrence and energy poverty vulnerability. A wider set of indicators and a robust analysis are needed to investigate this possibility. Relying solely on self-reports may also not fully represent the prevalence of such illnesses within a population. Learn more
Chronic diseases can be either a symptom or a cause of energy poverty. Due to their complexity and multicausality, it is challenging to draw a connection between their occurrence and energy poverty vulnerability. A wider set of indicators and a robust analysis are needed to investigate this possibility. Relying solely on self-reports may also not fully represent the prevalence of such illnesses within a population. Learn more
Chronic diseases can be either a symptom or a cause of energy poverty. Due to their complexity and multicausality, it is challenging to draw a connection between their occurrence and energy poverty vulnerability. A wider set of indicators and a robust analysis are needed to investigate this possibility. Relying solely on self-reports may also not fully represent the prevalence of such illnesses within a population. Learn more
Chronic diseases can be either a symptom or a cause of energy poverty. Due to their complexity and multicausality, it is challenging to draw a connection between their occurrence and energy poverty vulnerability. A wider set of indicators and a robust analysis are needed to investigate this possibility. Relying solely on self-reports may also not fully represent the prevalence of such illnesses within a population. Learn more
Chronic diseases can be either a symptom or a cause of energy poverty. Due to their complexity and multicausality, it is challenging to draw a connection between their occurrence and energy poverty vulnerability. A wider set of indicators and a robust analysis are needed to investigate this possibility. Relying solely on self-reports may also not fully represent the prevalence of such illnesses within a population. Learn more
Chronic diseases can be either a symptom or a cause of energy poverty. Due to their complexity and multicausality, it is challenging to draw a connection between their occurrence and energy poverty vulnerability. A wider set of indicators and a robust analysis are needed to investigate this possibility. Relying solely on self-reports may also not fully represent the prevalence of such illnesses within a population. Learn more
Chronic diseases can be either a symptom or a cause of energy poverty. Due to their complexity and multicausality, it is challenging to draw a connection between their occurrence and energy poverty vulnerability. A wider set of indicators and a robust analysis are needed to investigate this possibility. Relying solely on self-reports may also not fully represent the prevalence of such illnesses within a population. Learn more
This indicator may primarily capture poverty in general, cross-examination with impact assessments of energy-related social policies would be needed for using the indicator in an energy poverty diagnosis. Learn more
This indicator may primarily capture poverty in general, cross-examination with impact assessments of energy-related social policies would be needed for using the indicator in an energy poverty diagnosis. Learn more
This indicator may primarily capture poverty in general, cross-examination with impact assessments of energy-related social policies would be needed for using the indicator in an energy poverty diagnosis. Learn more
This indicator may primarily capture poverty in general, cross-examination with impact assessments of energy-related social policies would be needed for using the indicator in an energy poverty diagnosis. Learn more
This indicator may primarily capture poverty in general, cross-examination with impact assessments of energy-related social policies would be needed for using the indicator in an energy poverty diagnosis. Learn more
This indicator may primarily capture poverty in general, cross-examination with impact assessments of energy-related social policies would be needed for using the indicator in an energy poverty diagnosis. Learn more
This indicator may primarily capture poverty in general, cross-examination with impact assessments of energy-related social policies would be needed for using the indicator in an energy poverty diagnosis. Learn more
This indicator may primarily capture poverty in general, cross-examination with impact assessments of energy-related social policies would be needed for using the indicator in an energy poverty diagnosis. Learn more
This indicator may primarily capture poverty in general, cross-examination with impact assessments of energy-related social policies would be needed for using the indicator in an energy poverty diagnosis. Learn more
This indicator may primarily capture poverty in general, cross-examination with impact assessments of energy-related social policies would be needed for using the indicator in an energy poverty diagnosis. Learn more
This indicator may primarily capture poverty in general, cross-examination with impact assessments of energy-related social policies would be needed for using the indicator in an energy poverty diagnosis. Learn more
This indicator may primarily capture poverty in general, cross-examination with impact assessments of energy-related social policies would be needed for using the indicator in an energy poverty diagnosis. Learn more
This indicator may primarily capture poverty in general, cross-examination with impact assessments of energy-related social policies would be needed for using the indicator in an energy poverty diagnosis. Learn more
This indicator may primarily capture poverty in general, cross-examination with impact assessments of energy-related social policies would be needed for using the indicator in an energy poverty diagnosis. Learn more
This indicator may primarily capture poverty in general, cross-examination with impact assessments of energy-related social policies would be needed for using the indicator in an energy poverty diagnosis. Learn more
This indicator may primarily capture poverty in general, cross-examination with impact assessments of energy-related social policies would be needed for using the indicator in an energy poverty diagnosis. Learn more
This indicator may primarily capture poverty in general, cross-examination with impact assessments of energy-related social policies would be needed for using the indicator in an energy poverty diagnosis. Learn more
This indicator may primarily capture poverty in general, cross-examination with impact assessments of energy-related social policies would be needed for using the indicator in an energy poverty diagnosis. Learn more
This indicator may primarily capture poverty in general, cross-examination with impact assessments of energy-related social policies would be needed for using the indicator in an energy poverty diagnosis. Learn more
This indicator may primarily capture poverty in general, cross-examination with impact assessments of energy-related social policies would be needed for using the indicator in an energy poverty diagnosis. Learn more
This indicator may primarily capture poverty in general, cross-examination with impact assessments of energy-related social policies would be needed for using the indicator in an energy poverty diagnosis. Learn more
The question to households for this indicator is a yes/no-question that makes an easy and clear division but miss out on causes for why utility bills were not paid on time. Also, it does not cover situations where households need to borrow money to cover their bills on time or catch energy limiting behaviour. Learn more
The question to households for this indicator is a yes/no-question that makes an easy and clear division but miss out on causes for why utility bills were not paid on time. Also, it does not cover situations where households need to borrow money to cover their bills on time or catch energy limiting behaviour. Learn more
The question to households for this indicator is a yes/no-question that makes an easy and clear division but miss out on causes for why utility bills were not paid on time. Also, it does not cover situations where households need to borrow money to cover their bills on time or catch energy limiting behaviour. Learn more
The question to households for this indicator is a yes/no-question that makes an easy and clear division but miss out on causes for why utility bills were not paid on time. Also, it does not cover situations where households need to borrow money to cover their bills on time or catch energy limiting behaviour. Learn more
The question to households for this indicator is a yes/no-question that makes an easy and clear division but miss out on causes for why utility bills were not paid on time. Also, it does not cover situations where households need to borrow money to cover their bills on time or catch energy limiting behaviour. Learn more
The question to households for this indicator is a yes/no-question that makes an easy and clear division but miss out on causes for why utility bills were not paid on time. Also, it does not cover situations where households need to borrow money to cover their bills on time or catch energy limiting behaviour. Learn more
The question to households for this indicator is a yes/no-question that makes an easy and clear division but miss out on causes for why utility bills were not paid on time. Also, it does not cover situations where households need to borrow money to cover their bills on time or catch energy limiting behaviour. Learn more
The question to households for this indicator is a yes/no-question that makes an easy and clear division but miss out on causes for why utility bills were not paid on time. Also, it does not cover situations where households need to borrow money to cover their bills on time or catch energy limiting behaviour. Learn more
The question to households for this indicator is a yes/no-question that makes an easy and clear division but miss out on causes for why utility bills were not paid on time. Also, it does not cover situations where households need to borrow money to cover their bills on time or catch energy limiting behaviour. Learn more
The question to households for this indicator is a yes/no-question that makes an easy and clear division but miss out on causes for why utility bills were not paid on time. Also, it does not cover situations where households need to borrow money to cover their bills on time or catch energy limiting behaviour. Learn more
The question to households for this indicator is a yes/no-question that makes an easy and clear division but miss out on causes for why utility bills were not paid on time. Also, it does not cover situations where households need to borrow money to cover their bills on time or catch energy limiting behaviour. Learn more
The question to households for this indicator is a yes/no-question that makes an easy and clear division but miss out on causes for why utility bills were not paid on time. Also, it does not cover situations where households need to borrow money to cover their bills on time or catch energy limiting behaviour. Learn more
The question to households for this indicator is a yes/no-question that makes an easy and clear division but miss out on causes for why utility bills were not paid on time. Also, it does not cover situations where households need to borrow money to cover their bills on time or catch energy limiting behaviour. Learn more
The question to households for this indicator is a yes/no-question that makes an easy and clear division but miss out on causes for why utility bills were not paid on time. Also, it does not cover situations where households need to borrow money to cover their bills on time or catch energy limiting behaviour. Learn more
The question to households for this indicator is a yes/no-question that makes an easy and clear division but miss out on causes for why utility bills were not paid on time. Also, it does not cover situations where households need to borrow money to cover their bills on time or catch energy limiting behaviour. Learn more
The question to households for this indicator is a yes/no-question that makes an easy and clear division but miss out on causes for why utility bills were not paid on time. Also, it does not cover situations where households need to borrow money to cover their bills on time or catch energy limiting behaviour. Learn more
The question to households for this indicator is a yes/no-question that makes an easy and clear division but miss out on causes for why utility bills were not paid on time. Also, it does not cover situations where households need to borrow money to cover their bills on time or catch energy limiting behaviour. Learn more
The question to households for this indicator is a yes/no-question that makes an easy and clear division but miss out on causes for why utility bills were not paid on time. Also, it does not cover situations where households need to borrow money to cover their bills on time or catch energy limiting behaviour. Learn more
The question to households for this indicator is a yes/no-question that makes an easy and clear division but miss out on causes for why utility bills were not paid on time. Also, it does not cover situations where households need to borrow money to cover their bills on time or catch energy limiting behaviour. Learn more
The question to households for this indicator is a yes/no-question that makes an easy and clear division but miss out on causes for why utility bills were not paid on time. Also, it does not cover situations where households need to borrow money to cover their bills on time or catch energy limiting behaviour. Learn more
The question to households for this indicator is a yes/no-question that makes an easy and clear division but miss out on causes for why utility bills were not paid on time. Also, it does not cover situations where households need to borrow money to cover their bills on time or catch energy limiting behaviour. Learn more
The question to households for this indicator is a yes/no-question that makes an easy and clear division but miss out on causes for why utility bills were not paid on time. Also, it does not cover situations where households need to borrow money to cover their bills on time or catch energy limiting behaviour. Learn more
The question to households for this indicator is a yes/no-question that makes an easy and clear division but miss out on causes for why utility bills were not paid on time. Also, it does not cover situations where households need to borrow money to cover their bills on time or catch energy limiting behaviour. Learn more
The question to households for this indicator is a yes/no-question that makes an easy and clear division but miss out on causes for why utility bills were not paid on time. Also, it does not cover situations where households need to borrow money to cover their bills on time or catch energy limiting behaviour. Learn more
The question to households for this indicator is a yes/no-question that makes an easy and clear division but miss out on causes for why utility bills were not paid on time. Also, it does not cover situations where households need to borrow money to cover their bills on time or catch energy limiting behaviour. Learn more
The question to households for this indicator is a yes/no-question that makes an easy and clear division but miss out on causes for why utility bills were not paid on time. Also, it does not cover situations where households need to borrow money to cover their bills on time or catch energy limiting behaviour. Learn more
The question to households for this indicator is a yes/no-question that makes an easy and clear division but miss out on causes for why utility bills were not paid on time. Also, it does not cover situations where households need to borrow money to cover their bills on time or catch energy limiting behaviour. Learn more
The question to households for this indicator is a yes/no-question that makes an easy and clear division but miss out on causes for why utility bills were not paid on time. Also, it does not cover situations where households need to borrow money to cover their bills on time or catch energy limiting behaviour. Learn more
The question to households for this indicator is a yes/no-question that makes an easy and clear division but miss out on causes for why utility bills were not paid on time. Also, it does not cover situations where households need to borrow money to cover their bills on time or catch energy limiting behaviour. Learn more
The question to households for this indicator is a yes/no-question that makes an easy and clear division but miss out on causes for why utility bills were not paid on time. Also, it does not cover situations where households need to borrow money to cover their bills on time or catch energy limiting behaviour. Learn more
The question to households for this indicator is a yes/no-question that makes an easy and clear division but miss out on causes for why utility bills were not paid on time. Also, it does not cover situations where households need to borrow money to cover their bills on time or catch energy limiting behaviour. Learn more
The question to households for this indicator is a yes/no-question that makes an easy and clear division but miss out on causes for why utility bills were not paid on time. Also, it does not cover situations where households need to borrow money to cover their bills on time or catch energy limiting behaviour. Learn more
The question to households for this indicator is a yes/no-question that makes an easy and clear division but miss out on causes for why utility bills were not paid on time. Also, it does not cover situations where households need to borrow money to cover their bills on time or catch energy limiting behaviour. Learn more
The question to households for this indicator is a yes/no-question that makes an easy and clear division but miss out on causes for why utility bills were not paid on time. Also, it does not cover situations where households need to borrow money to cover their bills on time or catch energy limiting behaviour. Learn more
The question to households for this indicator is a yes/no-question that makes an easy and clear division but miss out on causes for why utility bills were not paid on time. Also, it does not cover situations where households need to borrow money to cover their bills on time or catch energy limiting behaviour. Learn more
The question to households for this indicator is a yes/no-question that makes an easy and clear division but miss out on causes for why utility bills were not paid on time. Also, it does not cover situations where households need to borrow money to cover their bills on time or catch energy limiting behaviour. Learn more
The question to households for this indicator is a yes/no-question that makes an easy and clear division but miss out on causes for why utility bills were not paid on time. Also, it does not cover situations where households need to borrow money to cover their bills on time or catch energy limiting behaviour. Learn more
The question to households for this indicator is a yes/no-question that makes an easy and clear division but miss out on causes for why utility bills were not paid on time. Also, it does not cover situations where households need to borrow money to cover their bills on time or catch energy limiting behaviour. Learn more
The question to households for this indicator is a yes/no-question that makes an easy and clear division but miss out on causes for why utility bills were not paid on time. Also, it does not cover situations where households need to borrow money to cover their bills on time or catch energy limiting behaviour. Learn more
The question to households for this indicator is a yes/no-question that makes an easy and clear division but miss out on causes for why utility bills were not paid on time. Also, it does not cover situations where households need to borrow money to cover their bills on time or catch energy limiting behaviour. Learn more
The question to households for this indicator is a yes/no-question that makes an easy and clear division but miss out on causes for why utility bills were not paid on time. Also, it does not cover situations where households need to borrow money to cover their bills on time or catch energy limiting behaviour. Learn more
The question to households for this indicator is a yes/no-question that makes an easy and clear division but miss out on causes for why utility bills were not paid on time. Also, it does not cover situations where households need to borrow money to cover their bills on time or catch energy limiting behaviour. Learn more
The question to households for this indicator is a yes/no-question that makes an easy and clear division but miss out on causes for why utility bills were not paid on time. Also, it does not cover situations where households need to borrow money to cover their bills on time or catch energy limiting behaviour. Learn more
The question to households for this indicator is a yes/no-question that makes an easy and clear division but miss out on causes for why utility bills were not paid on time. Also, it does not cover situations where households need to borrow money to cover their bills on time or catch energy limiting behaviour. Learn more
The question to households for this indicator is a yes/no-question that makes an easy and clear division but misses out on causes for why utility bills were not paid on time. Also, it does not cover situations where households need to borrow money to cover their bills on time or catch energy limiting behaviour. Learn more
The question to households for this indicator is a yes/no-question that makes an easy and clear division but misses out on causes for why utility bills were not paid on time. Also, it does not cover situations where households need to borrow money to cover their bills on time or catch energy limiting behaviour. Learn more
The question to households for this indicator is a yes/no-question that makes an easy and clear division but miss out on causes for why utility bills were not paid on time. Also, it does not cover situations where households need to borrow money to cover their bills on time or catch energy limiting behaviour. Learn more
The question to households for this indicator is a yes/no-question that makes an easy and clear division but miss out on causes for why utility bills were not paid on time. Also, it does not cover situations where households need to borrow money to cover their bills on time or catch energy limiting behaviour. Learn more
The question to households for this indicator is a yes/no-question that makes an easy and clear division but miss out on causes for why utility bills were not paid on time. Also, it does not cover situations where households need to borrow money to cover their bills on time or catch energy limiting behaviour. Learn more
The question to households for this indicator is a yes/no-question that makes an easy and clear division but miss out on causes for why utility bills were not paid on time. Also, it does not cover situations where households need to borrow money to cover their bills on time or catch energy limiting behaviour. Learn more
The question to households for this indicator is a yes/no-question that makes an easy and clear division but miss out on causes for why utility bills were not paid on time. Also, it does not cover situations where households need to borrow money to cover their bills on time or catch energy limiting behaviour. Learn more
The question to households for this indicator is a yes/no-question that makes an easy and clear division but miss out on causes for why utility bills were not paid on time. Also, it does not cover situations where households need to borrow money to cover their bills on time or catch energy limiting behaviour. Learn more
The question to households for this indicator is a yes/no-question that makes an easy and clear division but miss out on causes for why utility bills were not paid on time. Also, it does not cover situations where households need to borrow money to cover their bills on time or catch energy limiting behaviour. Learn more
The question to households for this indicator is a yes/no-question that makes an easy and clear division but miss out on causes for why utility bills were not paid on time. Also, it does not cover situations where households need to borrow money to cover their bills on time or catch energy limiting behaviour. Learn more
The question to households for this indicator is a yes/no-question that makes an easy and clear division but miss out on causes for why utility bills were not paid on time. Also, it does not cover situations where households need to borrow money to cover their bills on time or catch energy limiting behaviour. Learn more
The question to households for this indicator is a yes/no-question that makes an easy and clear division but miss out on causes for why utility bills were not paid on time. Also, it does not cover situations where households need to borrow money to cover their bills on time or catch energy limiting behaviour. Learn more
The question to households for this indicator is a yes/no-question that makes an easy and clear division but miss out on causes for why utility bills were not paid on time. Also, it does not cover situations where households need to borrow money to cover their bills on time or catch energy limiting behaviour. Learn more
The question to households for this indicator is a yes/no-question that makes an easy and clear division but miss out on causes for why utility bills were not paid on time. Also, it does not cover situations where households need to borrow money to cover their bills on time or catch energy limiting behaviour. Learn more
The question to households for this indicator is a yes/no-question that makes an easy and clear division but miss out on causes for why utility bills were not paid on time. Also, it does not cover situations where households need to borrow money to cover their bills on time or catch energy limiting behaviour. Learn more
The question to households for this indicator is a yes/no-question that makes an easy and clear division but miss out on causes for why utility bills were not paid on time. Also, it does not cover situations where households need to borrow money to cover their bills on time or catch energy limiting behaviour. Learn more
The question to households for this indicator is a yes/no-question that makes an easy and clear division but miss out on causes for why utility bills were not paid on time. Also, it does not cover situations where households need to borrow money to cover their bills on time or catch energy limiting behaviour. Learn more
Low or high consumption expenditures do not necessarily point to energy poverty. To identify potential affordability problems, this indicator should be compared to the household’s income. An analysis of the indicator disaggregation may show consumption inelasticities, highlighting the types and levels of consumption considered essential for families. The combination with thermal comfort or energy efficiency indicators may disclose trade-offs in consumption preference that lead to energy poverty. Learn more
Low or high consumption expenditures do not necessarily point to energy poverty. To identify potential affordability problems, this indicator should be compared to the household’s income. An analysis of the indicator disaggregation may show consumption inelasticities, highlighting the types and levels of consumption considered essential for families. The combination with thermal comfort or energy efficiency indicators may disclose trade-offs in consumption preference that lead to energy poverty. Learn more
Low or high consumption expenditures do not necessarily point to energy poverty. To identify potential affordability problems, this indicator should be compared to the household’s income. An analysis of the indicator disaggregation may show consumption inelasticities, highlighting the types and levels of consumption considered essential for families. The combination with thermal comfort or energy efficiency indicators may disclose trade-offs in consumption preference that lead to energy poverty. Learn more
Low or high consumption expenditures do not necessarily point to energy poverty. To identify potential affordability problems, this indicator should be compared to the household’s income. An analysis of the indicator disaggregation may show consumption inelasticities, highlighting the types and levels of consumption considered essential for families. The combination with thermal comfort or energy efficiency indicators may disclose trade-offs in consumption preference that lead to energy poverty. Learn more
Low or high consumption expenditures do not necessarily point to energy poverty. To identify potential affordability problems, this indicator should be compared to the household’s income. An analysis of the indicator disaggregation may show consumption inelasticities, highlighting the types and levels of consumption considered essential for families. The combination with thermal comfort or energy efficiency indicators may disclose trade-offs in consumption preference that lead to energy poverty. Learn more
Low or high consumption expenditures do not necessarily point to energy poverty. To identify potential affordability problems, this indicator should be compared to the household’s income. An analysis of the indicator disaggregation may show consumption inelasticities, highlighting the types and levels of consumption considered essential for families. The combination with thermal comfort or energy efficiency indicators may disclose trade-offs in consumption preference that lead to energy poverty. Learn more
Low or high consumption expenditures do not necessarily point to energy poverty. To identify potential affordability problems, this indicator should be compared to the household’s income. An analysis of the indicator disaggregation may show consumption inelasticities, highlighting the types and levels of consumption considered essential for families. The combination with thermal comfort or energy efficiency indicators may disclose trade-offs in consumption preference that lead to energy poverty. Learn more
Low or high consumption expenditures do not necessarily point to energy poverty. To identify potential affordability problems, this indicator should be compared to the household’s income. An analysis of the indicator disaggregation may show consumption inelasticities, highlighting the types and levels of consumption considered essential for families. The combination with thermal comfort or energy efficiency indicators may disclose trade-offs in consumption preference that lead to energy poverty. Learn more
Low or high consumption expenditures do not necessarily point to energy poverty. To identify potential affordability problems, this indicator should be compared to the household’s income. An analysis of the indicator disaggregation may show consumption inelasticities, highlighting the types and levels of consumption considered essential for families. The combination with thermal comfort or energy efficiency indicators may disclose trade-offs in consumption preference that lead to energy poverty. Learn more
Low or high consumption expenditures do not necessarily point to energy poverty. To identify potential affordability problems, this indicator should be compared to the household’s income. An analysis of the indicator disaggregation may show consumption inelasticities, highlighting the types and levels of consumption considered essential for families. The combination with thermal comfort or energy efficiency indicators may disclose trade-offs in consumption preference that lead to energy poverty. Learn more
Low or high consumption expenditures do not necessarily point to energy poverty. To identify potential affordability problems, this indicator should be compared to the household’s income. An analysis of the indicator disaggregation may show consumption inelasticities, highlighting the types and levels of consumption considered essential for families. The combination with thermal comfort or energy efficiency indicators may disclose trade-offs in consumption preference that lead to energy poverty. Learn more
Low or high consumption expenditures do not necessarily point to energy poverty. To identify potential affordability problems, this indicator should be compared to the household’s income. An analysis of the indicator disaggregation may show consumption inelasticities, highlighting the types and levels of consumption considered essential for families. The combination with thermal comfort or energy efficiency indicators may disclose trade-offs in consumption preference that lead to energy poverty. Learn more
This indicator is valuable for measuring housing affordability, but it doesn't provide information about housing quality and energy efficiency. Increases in housing costs can affect access to energy services, but they can also result from household decisions without sacrificing other essential needs. Therefore, it should be supplemented with metrics related to energy consumption, affordability, or thermal comfort. Learn more
This indicator is valuable for measuring housing affordability, but it doesn't provide information about housing quality and energy efficiency. Increases in housing costs can affect access to energy services, but they can also result from household decisions without sacrificing other essential needs. Therefore, it should be supplemented with metrics related to energy consumption, affordability, or thermal comfort. Learn more
This indicator is valuable for measuring housing affordability, but it doesn't provide information about housing quality and energy efficiency. Increases in housing costs can affect access to energy services, but they can also result from household decisions without sacrificing other essential needs. Therefore, it should be supplemented with metrics related to energy consumption, affordability, or thermal comfort. Learn more
This indicator is valuable for measuring housing affordability, but it doesn't provide information about housing quality and energy efficiency. Increases in housing costs can affect access to energy services, but they can also result from household decisions without sacrificing other essential needs. Therefore, it should be supplemented with metrics related to energy consumption, affordability, or thermal comfort. Learn more
This indicator is valuable for measuring housing affordability, but it doesn't provide information about housing quality and energy efficiency. Increases in housing costs can affect access to energy services, but they can also result from household decisions without sacrificing other essential needs. Therefore, it should be supplemented with metrics related to energy consumption, affordability, or thermal comfort. Learn more
This indicator is valuable for measuring housing affordability, but it doesn't provide information about housing quality and energy efficiency. Increases in housing costs can affect access to energy services, but they can also result from household decisions without sacrificing other essential needs. Therefore, it should be supplemented with metrics related to energy consumption, affordability, or thermal comfort. Learn more
This indicator is valuable for measuring housing affordability, but it doesn't provide information about housing quality and energy efficiency. Increases in housing costs can affect access to energy services, but they can also result from household decisions without sacrificing other essential needs. Therefore, it should be supplemented with metrics related to energy consumption, affordability, or thermal comfort. Learn more
This indicator is valuable for measuring housing affordability, but it doesn't provide information about housing quality and energy efficiency. Increases in housing costs can affect access to energy services, but they can also result from household decisions without sacrificing other essential needs. Therefore, it should be supplemented with metrics related to energy consumption, affordability, or thermal comfort. Learn more
This indicator is valuable for measuring housing affordability, but it doesn't provide information about housing quality and energy efficiency. Increases in housing costs can affect access to energy services, but they can also result from household decisions without sacrificing other essential needs. Therefore, it should be supplemented with metrics related to energy consumption, affordability, or thermal comfort. Learn more
This is a simple indicator to identify the proportion of budget spent on the energy bills in a household but as it is based on national income levels makes it hard to use as a standalone indicator for comparing energy poverty levels in different Member States. It does not capture underconsumption cases so it can be more informative to read it together with the indicator "Low absolute energy expenditure (M/2). Learn more
This indicator measures energy expenditure, capturing the economic dimension in each Member State, specifically cases of underspending, but leaves out details such as energy efficiency, conditions of households, and climate variability. It can be useful to read it together with the indicator 'High share of energy expenditure in income (2M)’ to also capture abnormally high energy expenditures. Learn more
This indicator measures energy expenditure, capturing the economic dimension in each Member State, specifically cases of underspending, but leaves out details such as energy efficiency, conditions of households, and climate variability. It can be useful to read it together with the indicator 'High share of energy expenditure in income (2M)’ to also capture abnormally high energy expenditures. Learn more
This indicator measures energy expenditure, capturing the economic dimension in each Member State, specifically cases of underspending, but leaves out details such as energy efficiency, conditions of households, and climate variability. It can be useful to read it together with the indicator 'High share of energy expenditure in income (2M)’ to also capture abnormally high energy expenditures. Learn more
This indicator measures energy expenditure, capturing the economic dimension in each Member State, specifically cases of underspending, but leaves out details such as energy efficiency, conditions of households, and climate variability. It can be useful to read it together with the indicator 'High share of energy expenditure in income (2M)’ to also capture abnormally high energy expenditures. Learn more
This indicator measures energy expenditure, capturing the economic dimension in each Member State, specifically cases of underspending, but leaves out details such as energy efficiency, conditions of households, and climate variability. It can be useful to read it together with the indicator 'High share of energy expenditure in income (2M)’ to also capture abnormally high energy expenditures. Learn more
This indicator measures energy expenditure, capturing the economic dimension in each Member State, specifically cases of underspending, but leaves out details such as energy efficiency, conditions of households, and climate variability. It can be useful to read it together with the indicator 'High share of energy expenditure in income (2M)’ to also capture abnormally high energy expenditures. Learn more
This indicator measures energy expenditure, capturing the economic dimension in each Member State, specifically cases of underspending, but leaves out details such as energy efficiency, conditions of households, and climate variability. It can be useful to read it together with the indicator 'High share of energy expenditure in income (2M)’ to also capture abnormally high energy expenditures. Learn more
This indicator measures energy expenditure, capturing the economic dimension in each Member State, specifically cases of underspending, but leaves out details such as energy efficiency, conditions of households, and climate variability. It can be useful to read it together with the indicator 'High share of energy expenditure in income (2M)’ to also capture abnormally high energy expenditures. Learn more
This indicator measures energy expenditure, capturing the economic dimension in each Member State, specifically cases of underspending, but leaves out details such as energy efficiency, conditions of households, and climate variability. It can be useful to read it together with the indicator 'High share of energy expenditure in income (2M)’ to also capture abnormally high energy expenditures. Learn more
This indicator measures energy expenditure, capturing the economic dimension in each Member State, specifically cases of underspending, but leaves out details such as energy efficiency, conditions of households, and climate variability. It can be useful to read it together with the indicator 'High share of energy expenditure in income (2M)’ to also capture abnormally high energy expenditures. Learn more
This is a simple indicator to identify the proportion of budget spent on the energy bills in a household but as it is based on national income levels makes it hard to use as a standalone indicator for comparing energy poverty levels in different Member States. It does not capture underconsumption cases so it can be more informative to read it together with the indicator "Low absolute energy expenditure (M/2). Learn more
This is a simple indicator to identify the proportion of budget spent on the energy bills in a household but as it is based on national income levels makes it hard to use as a standalone indicator for comparing energy poverty levels in different Member States. It does not capture underconsumption cases so it can be more informative to read it together with the indicator "Low absolute energy expenditure (M/2). Learn more
This is a simple indicator to identify the proportion of budget spent on the energy bills in a household but as it is based on national income levels makes it hard to use as a standalone indicator for comparing energy poverty levels in different Member States. It does not capture underconsumption cases so it can be more informative to read it together with the indicator "Low absolute energy expenditure (M/2). Learn more
This indicator addresses the financial barriers to accessing public transportation, a relevant determinant of transport energy poverty. However, it overlooks other transportation-related factors like service availability and quality. It is advised to combine this indicator with indicators reflecting domestic hardship, analysing energy expenditure, inability to heat, or housing costs to understand the connection between the different vulnerability types and the possible trade-offs in accessing basic needs. Learn more
This indicator addresses the financial barriers to accessing public transportation, a relevant determinant of transport energy poverty. However, it overlooks other transportation-related factors like service availability and quality. It is advised to combine this indicator with indicators reflecting domestic hardship, analysing energy expenditure, inability to heat, or housing costs to understand the connection between the different vulnerability types and the possible trade-offs in accessing basic needs. Learn more
This indicator addresses the financial barriers to accessing public transportation, a relevant determinant of transport energy poverty. However, it overlooks other transportation-related factors like service availability and quality. It is advised to combine this indicator with indicators reflecting domestic hardship, analysing energy expenditure, inability to heat, or housing costs to understand the connection between the different vulnerability types and the possible trade-offs in accessing basic needs. Learn more
This indicator addresses the financial barriers to accessing public transportation, a relevant determinant of transport energy poverty. However, it overlooks other transportation-related factors like service availability and quality. It is advised to combine this indicator with indicators reflecting domestic hardship, analysing energy expenditure, inability to heat, or housing costs to understand the connection between the different vulnerability types and the possible trade-offs in accessing basic needs. Learn more
This indicator addresses the financial barriers to accessing public transportation, a relevant determinant of transport energy poverty. However, it overlooks other transportation-related factors like service availability and quality. It is advised to combine this indicator with indicators reflecting domestic hardship, analysing energy expenditure, inability to heat, or housing costs to understand the connection between the different vulnerability types and the possible trade-offs in accessing basic needs. Learn more
This indicator addresses the financial barriers to accessing public transportation, a relevant determinant of transport energy poverty. However, it overlooks other transportation-related factors like service availability and quality. It is advised to combine this indicator with indicators reflecting domestic hardship, analysing energy expenditure, inability to heat, or housing costs to understand the connection between the different vulnerability types and the possible trade-offs in accessing basic needs. Learn more
This indicator addresses the financial barriers to accessing public transportation, a relevant determinant of transport energy poverty. However, it overlooks other transportation-related factors like service availability and quality. It is advised to combine this indicator with indicators reflecting domestic hardship, analysing energy expenditure, inability to heat, or housing costs to understand the connection between the different vulnerability types and the possible trade-offs in accessing basic needs. Learn more
This indicator addresses the financial barriers to accessing public transportation, a relevant determinant of transport energy poverty. However, it overlooks other transportation-related factors like service availability and quality. It is advised to combine this indicator with indicators reflecting domestic hardship, analysing energy expenditure, inability to heat, or housing costs to understand the connection between the different vulnerability types and the possible trade-offs in accessing basic needs. Learn more
This indicator addresses the financial barriers to accessing public transportation, a relevant determinant of transport energy poverty. However, it overlooks other transportation-related factors like service availability and quality. It is advised to combine this indicator with indicators reflecting domestic hardship, analysing energy expenditure, inability to heat, or housing costs to understand the connection between the different vulnerability types and the possible trade-offs in accessing basic needs. Learn more
This indicator addresses the financial barriers to accessing public transportation, a relevant determinant of transport energy poverty. However, it overlooks other transportation-related factors like service availability and quality. It is advised to combine this indicator with indicators reflecting domestic hardship, analysing energy expenditure, inability to heat, or housing costs to understand the connection between the different vulnerability types and the possible trade-offs in accessing basic needs. Learn more
This indicator addresses the financial barriers to accessing public transportation, a relevant determinant of transport energy poverty. However, it overlooks other transportation-related factors like service availability and quality. It is advised to combine this indicator with indicators reflecting domestic hardship, analysing energy expenditure, inability to heat, or housing costs to understand the connection between the different vulnerability types and the possible trade-offs in accessing basic needs. Learn more
This indicator addresses the financial barriers to accessing public transportation, a relevant determinant of transport energy poverty. However, it overlooks other transportation-related factors like service availability and quality. It is advised to combine this indicator with indicators reflecting domestic hardship, analysing energy expenditure, inability to heat, or housing costs to understand the connection between the different vulnerability types and the possible trade-offs in accessing basic needs. Learn more
This indicator addresses the financial barriers to accessing public transportation, a relevant determinant of transport energy poverty. However, it overlooks other transportation-related factors like service availability and quality. It is advised to combine this indicator with indicators reflecting domestic hardship, analysing energy expenditure, inability to heat, or housing costs to understand the connection between the different vulnerability types and the possible trade-offs in accessing basic needs. Learn more
This indicator addresses the financial barriers to accessing public transportation, a relevant determinant of transport energy poverty. However, it overlooks other transportation-related factors like service availability and quality. It is advised to combine this indicator with indicators reflecting domestic hardship, analysing energy expenditure, inability to heat, or housing costs to understand the connection between the different vulnerability types and the possible trade-offs in accessing basic needs. Learn more
This indicator addresses the financial barriers to accessing public transportation, a relevant determinant of transport energy poverty. However, it overlooks other transportation-related factors like service availability and quality. It is advised to combine this indicator with indicators reflecting domestic hardship, analysing energy expenditure, inability to heat, or housing costs to understand the connection between the different vulnerability types and the possible trade-offs in accessing basic needs. Learn more
This indicator addresses the financial barriers to accessing public transportation, a relevant determinant of transport energy poverty. However, it overlooks other transportation-related factors like service availability and quality. It is advised to combine this indicator with indicators reflecting domestic hardship, analysing energy expenditure, inability to heat, or housing costs to understand the connection between the different vulnerability types and the possible trade-offs in accessing basic needs. Learn more
This indicator addresses the financial barriers to accessing public transportation, a relevant determinant of transport energy poverty. However, it overlooks other transportation-related factors like service availability and quality. It is advised to combine this indicator with indicators reflecting domestic hardship, analysing energy expenditure, inability to heat, or housing costs to understand the connection between the different vulnerability types and the possible trade-offs in accessing basic needs. Learn more
This indicator depicts the economic dimension of energy poverty with arguable effectiveness because it does not provide information on the level of energy consumption that determines the expenses or the energy uses, which is useful information for more complete energy poverty conclusions. Learn more
This indicator depicts the economic dimension of energy poverty with arguable effectiveness because it does not provide information on the level of energy consumption that determines the expenses or the energy uses, which is useful information for more complete energy poverty conclusions. Learn more
This indicator depicts the economic dimension of energy poverty with arguable effectiveness because it does not provide information on the level of energy consumption that determines the expenses or the energy uses, which is useful information for more complete energy poverty conclusions. Learn more
This indicator depicts the economic dimension of energy poverty with arguable effectiveness because it does not provide information on the level of energy consumption that determines the expenses or the energy uses, which is useful information for more complete energy poverty conclusions. Learn more
This indicator depicts the economic dimension of energy poverty with arguable effectiveness because it does not provide information on the level of energy consumption that determines the expenses or the energy uses, which is useful information for more complete energy poverty conclusions. Learn more
This indicator can be used to understand which type of energy use consumes more energy, helping to identify potential challenges in accessing specific energy services if compared to the national average or median consumption and in the light of income levels. Low levels of energy services, especially space heating and cooling, may indicate a problem of energy poverty, which can be investigated by comparing this indicator with self-reported thermal comfort indicators. Learn more
This indicator can be used to understand which type of energy use consumes more energy, helping to identify potential challenges in accessing specific energy services if compared to the national average or median consumption and in the light of income levels. Low levels of energy services, especially space heating and cooling, may indicate a problem of energy poverty, which can be investigated by comparing this indicator with self-reported thermal comfort indicators. Learn more
This indicator can be used to understand which type of energy use consumes more energy, helping to identify potential challenges in accessing specific energy services if compared to the national average or median consumption and in the light of income levels. Low levels of energy services, especially space heating and cooling, may indicate a problem of energy poverty, which can be investigated by comparing this indicator with self-reported thermal comfort indicators. Learn more
This indicator can be used to understand which type of energy use consumes more energy, helping to identify potential challenges in accessing specific energy services if compared to the national average or median consumption and in the light of income levels. Low levels of energy services, especially space heating and cooling, may indicate a problem of energy poverty, which can be investigated by comparing this indicator with self-reported thermal comfort indicators. Learn more
This indicator can be used to understand which type of energy use consumes more energy, helping to identify potential challenges in accessing specific energy services if compared to the national average or median consumption and in the light of income levels. Low levels of energy services, especially space heating and cooling, may indicate a problem of energy poverty, which can be investigated by comparing this indicator with self-reported thermal comfort indicators. Learn more
This indicator can be used to understand which type of energy use consumes more energy, helping to identify potential challenges in accessing specific energy services if compared to the national average or median consumption and in the light of income levels. Low levels of energy services, especially space heating and cooling, may indicate a problem of energy poverty, which can be investigated by comparing this indicator with self-reported thermal comfort indicators. Learn more
This indicator can be used to understand which type of energy use consumes more energy, helping to identify potential challenges in accessing specific energy services if compared to the national average or median consumption and in the light of income levels. Low levels of energy services, especially space heating and cooling, may indicate a problem of energy poverty, which can be investigated by comparing this indicator with self-reported thermal comfort indicators. Learn more
The quality of the product and the share of freely or illegally sourced biomass products can significantly impact energy poverty levels, especially in rural regions, and therefore should be considered in diagnosis assessment. Learn more
For comparison between countries, this indicator, as well as all the other fuel price indicators, should be analysed in Purchasing Power Standard, which is a unit that eliminates the differences in price levels between EU countries. Learn more
Energy prices in isolation do not provide enough information to characterise energy poverty or assess a population’s vulnerability. This indicator is particularly interesting when combined with information on the affordability of energy expenditures, socio-economic characteristics, climate zones, energy mix, and household energy performance. Learn more
For a contextualised understanding of the fuel oil prices or other fuel prices’ direct impact on energy poverty, it would be relevant also to link this indicator with data of the households' fuel/technology mixes at country, regional and local levels. Learn more
One country may have higher electricity prices than another one, but if the cost of living of basic needs and/or taxation is considerably lower, this might mean that overall vulnerability and energy poverty risk is also lower. This indicator can also provide a much broader picture of national energy poverty when paired with income related indicators and energy consumption patterns.
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Natural gas prices can be higher in specific countries, but the social programs and bill support should be considered when analysing energy poverty, as they can significantly mitigate the energy burden for households.
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This indicator measures energy expenditure, capturing the economic dimension in each Member State, specifically cases of underspending, but leaves out details such as energy efficiency, conditions of households, and climate variability. It can be useful to read it together with the indicator 'High share of energy expenditure in income (2M)’ to also capture abnormally high energy expenditures. Learn more
This indicator measures energy expenditure, capturing the economic dimension in each Member State, specifically cases of underspending, but leaves out details such as energy efficiency, conditions of households, and climate variability. It can be useful to read it together with the indicator 'High share of energy expenditure in income (2M)’ to also capture abnormally high energy expenditures. Learn more
This indicator measures energy expenditure, capturing the economic dimension in each Member State, specifically cases of underspending, but leaves out details such as energy efficiency, conditions of households, and climate variability. It can be useful to read it together with the indicator 'High share of energy expenditure in income (2M)’ to also capture abnormally high energy expenditures. Learn more
This indicator measures energy expenditure, capturing the economic dimension in each Member State, specifically cases of underspending, but leaves out details such as energy efficiency, conditions of households, and climate variability. It can be useful to read it together with the indicator 'High share of energy expenditure in income (2M)’ to also capture abnormally high energy expenditures. Learn more
This indicator measures energy expenditure, capturing the economic dimension in each Member State, specifically cases of underspending, but leaves out details such as energy efficiency, conditions of households, and climate variability. It can be useful to read it together with the indicator 'High share of energy expenditure in income (2M)’ to also capture abnormally high energy expenditures. Learn more
This indicator measures energy expenditure, capturing the economic dimension in each Member State, specifically cases of underspending, but leaves out details such as energy efficiency, conditions of households, and climate variability. It can be useful to read it together with the indicator 'High share of energy expenditure in income (2M)’ to also capture abnormally high energy expenditures. Learn more
This indicator measures energy expenditure, capturing the economic dimension in each Member State, specifically cases of underspending, but leaves out details such as energy efficiency, conditions of households, and climate variability. It can be useful to read it together with the indicator 'High share of energy expenditure in income (2M)’ to also capture abnormally high energy expenditures. Learn more
This indicator measures energy expenditure, capturing the economic dimension in each Member State, specifically cases of underspending, but leaves out details such as energy efficiency, conditions of households, and climate variability. It can be useful to read it together with the indicator 'High share of energy expenditure in income (2M)’ to also capture abnormally high energy expenditures. Learn more
This indicator measures energy expenditure, capturing the economic dimension in each Member State, specifically cases of underspending, but leaves out details such as energy efficiency, conditions of households, and climate variability. It can be useful to read it together with the indicator 'High share of energy expenditure in income (2M)’ to also capture abnormally high energy expenditures. Learn more
This indicator measures energy expenditure, capturing the economic dimension in each Member State, specifically cases of underspending, but leaves out details such as energy efficiency, conditions of households, and climate variability. It can be useful to read it together with the indicator 'High share of energy expenditure in income (2M)’ to also capture abnormally high energy expenditures. Learn more
This indicator measures energy expenditure, capturing the economic dimension in each Member State, specifically cases of underspending, but leaves out details such as energy efficiency, conditions of households, and climate variability. It can be useful to read it together with the indicator 'High share of energy expenditure in income (2M)’ to also capture abnormally high energy expenditures. Learn more
This indicator measures energy expenditure, capturing the economic dimension in each Member State, specifically cases of underspending, but leaves out details such as energy efficiency, conditions of households, and climate variability. It can be useful to read it together with the indicator 'High share of energy expenditure in income (2M)’ to also capture abnormally high energy expenditures. Learn more
This indicator measures energy expenditure, capturing the economic dimension in each Member State, specifically cases of underspending, but leaves out details such as energy efficiency, conditions of households, and climate variability. It can be useful to read it together with the indicator 'High share of energy expenditure in income (2M)’ to also capture abnormally high energy expenditures. Learn more
This indicator measures energy expenditure, capturing the economic dimension in each Member State, specifically cases of underspending, but leaves out details such as energy efficiency, conditions of households, and climate variability. It can be useful to read it together with the indicator 'High share of energy expenditure in income (2M)’ to also capture abnormally high energy expenditures. Learn more
This indicator refers foremost to the consequences of poor construction practices of dwellings and humid indoor conditions and may not be directly connected to situations of energy poverty but can also be a consequence of an inability to keep the house adequately warm. Studying these two indicators together may provide a more complete picture of the problem. Learn more
This indicator refers foremost to the consequences of poor construction practices of dwellings and humid indoor conditions and may not be directly connected to situations of energy poverty but can also be a consequence of an inability to keep the house adequately warm. Studying these two indicators together may provide a more complete picture of the problem. Learn more
This indicator refers foremost to the consequences of poor construction practices of dwellings and humid indoor conditions and may not be directly connected to situations of energy poverty but can also be a consequence of an inability to keep the house adequately warm. Studying these two indicators together may provide a more complete picture of the problem. Learn more
This indicator refers foremost to the consequences of poor construction practices of dwellings and humid indoor conditions and may not be directly connected to situations of energy poverty but can also be a consequence of an inability to keep the house adequately warm. Studying these two indicators together may provide a more complete picture of the problem. Learn more
This indicator refers foremost to the consequences of poor construction practices of dwellings and humid indoor conditions and may not be directly connected to situations of energy poverty but can also be a consequence of an inability to keep the house adequately warm. Studying these two indicators together may provide a more complete picture of the problem. Learn more
This indicator refers foremost to the consequences of poor construction practices of dwellings and humid indoor conditions and may not be directly connected to situations of energy poverty but can also be a consequence of an inability to keep the house adequately warm. Studying these two indicators together may provide a more complete picture of the problem. Learn more
This indicator refers foremost to the consequences of poor construction practices of dwellings and humid indoor conditions and may not be directly connected to situations of energy poverty but can also be a consequence of an inability to keep the house adequately warm. Studying these two indicators together may provide a more complete picture of the problem. Learn more
This indicator refers foremost to the consequences of poor construction practices of dwellings and humid indoor conditions and may not be directly connected to situations of energy poverty but can also be a consequence of an inability to keep the house adequately warm. Studying these two indicators together may provide a more complete picture of the problem. Learn more
This indicator refers foremost to the consequences of poor construction practices of dwellings and humid indoor conditions and may not be directly connected to situations of energy poverty but can also be a consequence of an inability to keep the house adequately warm. Studying these two indicators together may provide a more complete picture of the problem. Learn more
This indicator refers foremost to the consequences of poor construction practices of dwellings and humid indoor conditions and may not be directly connected to situations of energy poverty but can also be a consequence of an inability to keep the house adequately warm. Studying these two indicators together may provide a more complete picture of the problem. Learn more
This indicator refers foremost to the consequences of poor construction practices of dwellings and humid indoor conditions and may not be directly connected to situations of energy poverty but can also be a consequence of an inability to keep the house adequately warm. Studying these two indicators together may provide a more complete picture of the problem. Learn more
The cost and efficiency of transformation vary according to the fuel type, impacting primary and final energy consumption per energy use. The households' dependency on expensive and inefficient fuels may create affordability and environmental problems, increasing vulnerability to energy poverty. Regional-specific aspects in fuel access conditions and cultural fuel use can also impact the assessment of energy poverty and should be considered. Learn more
The cost and efficiency of transformation vary according to the fuel type, impacting primary and final energy consumption per energy use. The households' dependency on expensive and inefficient fuels may create affordability and environmental problems, increasing vulnerability to energy poverty. Regional-specific aspects in fuel access conditions and cultural fuel use can also impact the assessment of energy poverty and should be considered. Learn more
The cost and efficiency of transformation vary according to the fuel type, impacting primary and final energy consumption per energy use. The households' dependency on expensive and inefficient fuels may create affordability and environmental problems, increasing vulnerability to energy poverty. Regional-specific aspects in fuel access conditions and cultural fuel use can also impact the assessment of energy poverty and should be considered. Learn more
The cost and efficiency of transformation vary according to the fuel type, impacting primary and final energy consumption per energy use. The households' dependency on expensive and inefficient fuels may create affordability and environmental problems, increasing vulnerability to energy poverty. Regional-specific aspects in fuel access conditions and cultural fuel use can also impact the assessment of energy poverty and should be considered. Learn more
The cost and efficiency of transformation vary according to the fuel type, impacting primary and final energy consumption per energy use. The households' dependency on expensive and inefficient fuels may create affordability and environmental problems, increasing vulnerability to energy poverty. Regional-specific aspects in fuel access conditions and cultural fuel use can also impact the assessment of energy poverty and should be considered. Learn more
The cost and efficiency of transformation vary according to the fuel type, impacting primary and final energy consumption per energy use. The households' dependency on expensive and inefficient fuels may create affordability and environmental problems, increasing vulnerability to energy poverty. Regional-specific aspects in fuel access conditions and cultural fuel use can also impact the assessment of energy poverty and should be considered. Learn more
The cost and efficiency of transformation vary according to the fuel type, impacting primary and final energy consumption per energy use. The households' dependency on expensive and inefficient fuels may create affordability and environmental problems, increasing vulnerability to energy poverty. Regional-specific aspects in fuel access conditions and cultural fuel use can also impact the assessment of energy poverty and should be considered. Learn more
The cost and efficiency of transformation vary according to the fuel type, impacting primary and final energy consumption per energy use. The households' dependency on expensive and inefficient fuels may create affordability and environmental problems, increasing vulnerability to energy poverty. Regional-specific aspects in fuel access conditions and cultural fuel use can also impact the assessment of energy poverty and should be considered. Learn more
The cost and efficiency of transformation vary according to the fuel type, impacting primary and final energy consumption per energy use. The households' dependency on expensive and inefficient fuels may create affordability and environmental problems, increasing vulnerability to energy poverty. Regional-specific aspects in fuel access conditions and cultural fuel use can also impact the assessment of energy poverty and should be considered. Learn more
The cost and efficiency of transformation vary according to the fuel type, impacting primary and final energy consumption per energy use. The households' dependency on expensive and inefficient fuels may create affordability and environmental problems, increasing vulnerability to energy poverty. Regional-specific aspects in fuel access conditions and cultural fuel use can also impact the assessment of energy poverty and should be considered. Learn more
This indicator depicts self-perception of indoor light conditions, which depends on personal preference and culture, varying from household to household across regions and countries. It does not consider the underlying causes of the perceived lack of light, including building design, shading, and direction, which may not directly relate to energy poverty. If connected to a lack of artificial light, it can be a symptom of an even deeper vulnerability. Learn more
This indicator depicts self-perception of indoor light conditions, which depends on personal preference and culture, varying from household to household across regions and countries. It does not consider the underlying causes of the perceived lack of light, including building design, shading, and direction, which may not directly relate to energy poverty. If connected to a lack of artificial light, it can be a symptom of an even deeper vulnerability. Learn more
This indicator depicts self-perception of indoor light conditions, which depends on personal preference and culture, varying from household to household across regions and countries. It does not consider the underlying causes of the perceived lack of light, including building design, shading, and direction, which may not directly relate to energy poverty. If connected to a lack of artificial light, it can be a symptom of an even deeper vulnerability. Learn more
On this page, you may find EPAH indicators organised by country. In this indicators collection, we use publicly available EU-wide datasets, so you may find that some data is unavailable for specific years or countries due to the timeline of data collection for such datasets, their geographical coverage or the update at the EU level of these statistics. However, this does not mean that the specific country does not have this or similar information to explore. You may like to visit national statistical databases to find more details on a particular topic.
Albania (AL)
Austria (AT)
Belgium (BE)
Bosnia and Herzegovina (BA)
Bulgaria (BG)
Croatia (HR)
Cyprus (CY)
Czechia (CZ)
Denmark (DK)
Estonia (EE)
Finland (FI)
France (FR)
Georgia (GE)
Germany (DE)
Greece (EL)
Hungary (HU)
Iceland (IS)
Ireland (IE)
Italy (IT)
Latvia (LV)
Liechtenstein (LI)
Lithuania (LT)
Luxembourg (LU)
Malta (MT)
Moldova (the Republic of) (MD)
Montenegro (ME)
Netherlands (NL)
Poland (PL)
Portugal (PT)
Republic of Kosovo (XK)
Republic of North Macedonia (MK)
Romania (RO)
Serbia (RS)
Slovakia (SK)
Slovenia (SI)
Spain (ES)
Sweden (SE)
Switzerland (CH)
Turkey (TR)
Ukraine (UA)
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