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Energy Poverty Advisory Hub


Local/regional project

The Efidistrict project was part of LC Districts project, which aimed to revitalise an ageing district by improving the quality of life of its residents through three actions:

The complex energy renovation of the buildings in the district including their thermal envelopes. The renovation of the old district heating systems existing in the neighbourhood to improve their performance: renewal and improvement of the distribution networks through the inclusion of energy saving measures, supported by the inclusion of systems and control. The creation of a new district heating network, where heat is generated from biomass to supply the whole neighbourhood (public and private buildings).

To implement these actions with a budget of over 1 million €, maximising citizen involvement was essential. Since 2014, the Navarra Region has undertaken an integral energy renovation of Txantrea, a deprived district of Pamplona, to improve the quality of life of residents and reduce their heating and hot water costs. The renovations consisted in the construction of new thermal envelopes for public and residential buildings constructed between the 50s and the 80s, the renewal of the old district heating systems, and the creation of a new district heating network using biomass. These activities have reduced energy consumption by 70%. Households’ thermal comfort has significantly improved, including during summer as the new insulation system also functions as a protection against excess heat.

Renovations were financed by the European Commission (Mobilising Local EnergyInvestments – Project Development Assistance) and the Government of Navarra under the Efidistrict project. When the project came to an end in 2018, NASUVINSA, the regional agency responsible for urban development and social housing got a €40 million loan from the European Investment Bank to build 500 nearly zero-energy building (NZEB) housing units over the next three years. The regional government contributes with a 25% subsidy of the value of the investment for any property developer that will be involved or commissioned.

  • Efidistrict 
 header image
  • Countries impacted
    Countries impacted:
  • Geographical scale
    Geographical scale:
  • Intervention level
    Energy poverty phase:
  • Type of intervention
    Intervention type:
    Household energy efficiency and refurbishment
  • Partners
  • Funding type
    Type of funding:
    European funds from Intelligent energy Europe (IEE), H2020 programme of the European Union – Acronym Efidistrict FWD AGREEMENT NUMBER IEE/13/936/SI2.675074; Local funds from Navarra Government grants for the citizens (40% eligible budget)
  • More information
    Case website
  • SDGs addressed:
    SDG 11-Sustainable cities and communities SDG 1-No poverty SDG 10-Reduced inequalities

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