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Energy Poverty Advisory Hub

EnergyMeasures – Tailored measures supporting energy vulnerable households

International project

EnergyMeasures is working to address energy poverty in seven European countries through direct household engagements that are complemented and informed by cutting edge policy and practice innovations.

The project will work with energy-poor households to improve their energy efficiency through a combination of low-cost measures and changes in energy-related behaviours and practices. Participating householders will be provided with low-cost energy measures and empowered to change their energy-related behaviours and practices through an approach that takes account of existing housing conditions and is reflective of their lived experience.

The project will also work with municipalities, energy authorities, housing associations and other relevant actors to assess how current multi-level institutional contexts affect efforts to alleviate energy vulnerability in the participating countries. The assessment results will be used to develop and support the implementation of policy and practice measures which will address structural issues that combine to trap households in energy poverty.

Through this work the project contributes to reducing participant vulnerability to energy poverty, while at the same time cutting household energy consumption and associated GHG emissions.

EnergyMeasures with a budget of about 2 million euros aims to:

  • Trigger energy 'savings' (to be estimated in KWh).
  • Trigger individual behaviour change.
  • Build capacity through training opportunities.
  • Result in the creation of new policies or strategies.

The project is ongoing at the time of writing this report is and has been selected to provide an opportunity to follow step-by-step the development and implementation of an action. COVID-19 has impacted the work plan resulting in rescheduling activities, particularly face-to-face household engagements.

Main beneficiaries: the energy poor, policy makers and practitioners.

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