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Energy Poverty Advisory Hub


Organisation Sort descending Country Type Areas of work interest ATLAS projects
Association for Environment and Safety in Aquitaine (APESA) FR Non-governmental organisation SIreNERGY (Social Innovation in Renewable Energies)
Association of Rhodope Municipalities (ARM) BG UPSTAIRS UP-Lifting Communities
Associazione Ashiafatima IT Energia in Periferia (Energy in the suburbs)
Associazione Italiana Difesa Consumatori e Ambiente IT STEP-IN
Associazione Socio-Culturale Nuova Solidarietà IT Energia in Periferia (Energy in the suburbs)
ATER Trieste IT SUPER-i - PPP Financing for energy efficiency investments in social housing
ATES PARMA IT Consumare meno per vivere meglio
AUSTRIAN ENERGY AGENCY AT LOCATEE - LOCal Authorities to Tackle Energy povErty in private multi-apartment buildings
Avedøres District heating DK The Solar House
Ayuda en Acción Corylus
Ayuntamiento de Getafe ES EPIU - Energy Poverty Intelligence Unit
Ayuntamiento de València ES Valencia Energy Office , OV - Oficina verde (Green Office)
Badalona City Council ES Congrés Català de Pobresa Energètica
Banco Alimentare Calabria IT Energia in Periferia (Energy in the suburbs)
Banco dell'Energia IT ASSERT - Large-scale multi-actor training and mentorship programme to assist people with physical impairments in energy poverty
Bankwatch Network Czech Republic Non-governmental organisation Sustainable Finance and Investment RePower the Regions (RePower the Regions: Ambitious and inclusive clean energy plans for repowering the just transition regions)
Barcelona Metropolitan Area ES UPSTAIRS UP-Lifting Communities
BEKS EnergieEffizienz GmbH DE Stromspar-Check (energy-saving check)
Belfius BE Dampoort KnapT OP! (Dampoort renovates!)
Berliner Energieagentur DE Stromspar-Check (energy-saving check)
BEUC - The European Consumer Organisation BE CLEAR-HP - Consumers Leading the EU’s Energy Ambition Response through uptake of Heat Pumps
Bistrita Municipality RO COPE - Coherent Place-based Climate Action
Blackburn with Darwen Borough United Kingdom Cosy Homes in Lancashire
Blackpool United Kingdom Cosy Homes in Lancashire
BNAAC BG CLEAR-HP - Consumers Leading the EU’s Energy Ambition Response through uptake of Heat Pumps