Ni Un Hogar Sin Energía is a programme by ECODES aiming to tackle energy poverty and improve energy efficiency in households. The programme is set to empower vulnerable people and social agents from municipalities and NGOs with energy knowledge to save on their energy bills, improve the comfort of their homes and reduce CO2 emissions. It offers information, diagnosis and personalised advice to understand and reduce energy supply bills, learn responsible energy consumption habits and implement energy efficiency measures to implement in their homes, as well as subsidies or programs to finance them. The transmission of information to the population, and especially to vulnerable people, is carried out through different tools and channels.
Online tools for information and management of Energy Poverty and Domestic Energy include:
- the ENERSOC - On-line tool for the social management of domestic energy.
- an online energy self-diagnosis questionnaire: "I want to save".
- Website information and resources (e.g. data, agenda, library, news etc.)
Action programmes include:
- Training workshops and courses (families, social workers and volunteers)
- Diagnosis and advice in energy advice points or audits at home
- Implementation of energy efficiency measures and low-cost household renovations
- Citizen and corporate volunteering programs
- Awareness campaigns
- Analysis and measurement of the impact of household renovation
- Diagnosis and characterisation of energy poverty in a municipality
Some concrete key performance indicators (KPIs) of the project include:
- Beneficiaries: 8,767 families.
- Average electricity bills savings: 26%.
- Individually advised families: 5,309.
- Households renovated: 254.
Main beneficiaries: children, the elderly, energy advisors, energy-poor, frontline workers, low income, national/local authorities and policy makers.
Countries impacted:
Spain -
Geographical scale:
Regional and Local -
Energy poverty phase:
DiagnosisPlanningImplementation -
Intervention type:
Household energy efficiency and refurbishmentCapacity building and trainingStakeholders' Engagement -
Professionals involved:
Member of a local/national authorityEngineerSocial worker -
Type of funding:
Regional Fund from the Aragón Government, Local Fund from the Zaragoza Council and private Funds from ENDESA, Leroy Merlin, IKEA, Schneider Foundation, Albia, Inditex -
SDGs addressed: