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Eurosolar for all: energy communities for a fair energy transition in Europe

Sun4all logo

Through the Sun4All project approach, four European ‘pilot cities’ aim at facilitating access to renewable energy generation (and its economic and environmental benefits) for vulnerable households, that suffer from energy poverty, and which otherwise would not have the capacity of investing in solar installations.

Beneficiaries will receive financial, as well as non-financial support. The solar energy produced by the photovoltaic installations that are part of the project, will be evenly credited on the participants’ energy bills and lead to a reduction of their actual energy costs.

Following the concept of ‘energy communities’, participants of the project will complementarily receive advice on efficient energy management at home, as well as the possibility to participate in workshops related to the topics of energy rights and efficiency. Through knowledge transfer and an essential community programme, empowerment of participants will be promoted.

project poster

In that way, the Sun4All project supports an inclusive energy transition process towards sustainable energy production in Europe. Building on the results of the testing phase, the Sun4All support scheme will be scaled up across Europe.

Concrete Key Performance Indicators of the project include:

  • Primary energy savings – 2,73 – GWh/year/pilot
  • Number of consumers engaged – 1.200 – beneficiaries to the project, either by being part of the pilot or by participating in workshops
  • Reduction in greenhouse gases emissions – 926,87 – tCO2-eq)
  • Number of support schemes – 4 implemented schemes + 10 additional schemes designed.
  • Contribution to policy development – Inclusion at 4 City SECAPs + Inclusion in 2 EU/National level plans + Inclusion in 5 working documents of interested organisations.
  • Number of EU level stakeholders involved - 150 EU level stakeholders engaged with the project.

Follow the project updates on LinkedIn and on X (former Twitter). This page was last updated on 30 October 2023. For the most updated information about the project, please visit the CORDIS website and the website of the project.