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Energy Poverty Advisory Hub

POWERTY - Renewable energy for vulnerable groups

International project

The POWERTY project, financed by INTERREG EUROPE 2014-2020 with a budget of €1 million, had the objective of increasing the use of renewable energies by vulnerable groups. The decarbonisation of the European energy system will require all citizens to make full use of renewable energies. However, currently, many people face difficulties in accessing renewable energy facilities and equipment, as a result of economic and technological issues, particularly people facing energy poverty. In this context, the project aimed to improve regional policy instruments targeting 4 topics:

  1. Identify new innovative renewable energy technologies aimed at vulnerable groups, including collective and urban energy systems,
  2. New formulas for financing renewable energies suitable for vulnerable groups,
  3. Improvements in the regulatory framework for renewable energies and vulnerable groups,
  4. Empowerment of vulnerable groups and social innovation to stimulate citizen participation of these social groups.

As a result, new renewable energy installations were facilitated to provide safe and clean energy to vulnerable households, with greater participation, integration and empowerment of these people in the energy transition. Over 4 years, 6 regional partners from Spain, France, Bulgaria, Poland and Lithuania, with the support of the University of Manchester, developed a complete learning process to facilitate an effective knowledge flow between these regions. More than 50 good practices and almost 50 events involving 60 stakeholders established 5 Regional Action Plans covering a population of more than 25 million inhabitants.

Some concrete key performance indicators (KPIs) of the project include:

  • Additional capacity for renewable energy production for vulnerable groups (kW): 1,300.
  • Number of residential housing units that consume renewable energy (collective or individual projects) concerning vulnerable groups: 1,000.
  • Number of funded projects with energy poor household applicants: 50.
  • Number of homes/buildings that consume renewable energy belonging to vulnerable groups: 1,000.
  • Number of households with increased energy efficiency addressed to vulnerable groups: 150.

The partners of the project were: Andalusian Energy Agency (AEA), regional partner. Auvergne Rhônes-Alpes Energy Environment Agency (AURA-EE), regional partner. Energy Agency of Plovdiv (EAP), regional partner. The Agglometation Opole Trust, (AOT) regional partner. The Public Investment and Development Agency (VIPA), regional partner. University of Manchester (UM), advisory partner.

  • POWERTY - Renewable energy for vulnerable groups
 header image
  • Countries impacted
    Countries impacted:
  • Geographical scale
    Geographical scale:
    Regional and Local
  • Intervention level
    Energy poverty phase:
  • Type of intervention
    Intervention type:
    Financial mechanisms
    Labour market insertion
    Renewable Energy Integration
  • Professionals
    Professionals involved:
    Member of a local/national authority
    Social worker
  • Funding type
    Type of funding:
    European funds from Interreg Europe 2014-2020
  • More information
    Case website
  • SDGs addressed:
    SDG 10-Reduced inequalities SDG 11-Sustainable cities and communities SDG 12-Responsible consumption and production

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