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Do we need complex and multidimensional indicators to assess energy poverty? The case of the Chilean indicator


Publication date
23 September 2015
EPAH Type of publication
Scientific paper


Energy poverty is a multidimensional and complex phenomenon, and several indicators have been developed to evaluate and quantify it. However, often greater complexity does not mean greater precision. In the case of Chile, the Energy Poverty Network established the Three-dimensional and Territorial Indicator of Energy Poverty (EPTTI in Spanish) to assess the energy poverty situation of Chilean families. The EPTTI is based on a multidimensional approach with 10 indicators. Although, their evaluation involves resources that may hinder a practical application. This study analyzed the consistency between the individual responses of an indicator and the adapted EPTTI evaluation, using a database of 641 families. The results show that the excessive energy expenditure and the type and energy source of heating systems indicators are the variables with the greatest influence on energy poverty assessments.

scientific paper


Do we need complex and multidimensional indicators to assess energy poverty? The case of the Chilean indicator