- Publication date
- 15 January 2022
- EPAH Type of publication
- Scientific paper
The Bulgarian version of this monography was published in August 2022, but the research results were first disseminated on several conferences organizaed by the Economic Research Institute (ERI) at BAS first, several NGOs and the synidicates in the months before its official publication, receiving vast acceptance among the national audience. The main conclusion of the research study was officially sent by ERI to the government at the end of July 2022, and served as a basis for the adoption of an official energy poverty definition in Bulgaria. The research makes a theoretical and empirical analysis of 12 indicators for measuring energy poverty included in the recommendations of the EU and the Energy Poverty Observatory in Brussels, using data from the annual "Household budgets survey" of NSI for 2014-2019, as well as time series data for 15 years with macroeconomic indicators of household income and expenditure, GDP, inflation, employment, prices of energy resources, etc.
Author: Teodora Peneva, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences