- Publication date
- 17 July 2022
- EPAH Type of publication
- Report (policy paper, recommendation)
The current methodology is based on two main results of a project of the Economic Research Institute at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences "Energy poverty in Bulgaria: dimensions and factors
". The methodology was developed under the SHEERenov project (Seamless services for Housing Energy Efficiency Renovation), that aims to develop and test a model for the provision of integrated residential renovation services on the territory of Sofia in Bulgaria. The SHEERenov project developed a proposal for a completely new and functional Methodology for assessing the individual energy needs of households, which is an essential element, an integral part of the proposed Methodology for defining energy-poor households of the BAS. The SHEERenov project further developed the proposals for defining individual income criteria, as well as automatic mechanisms of adjustment of income criteria for greater fairness and coverage of the working poor on the minimum wage and pensioners on the minimum pension.
Authors: Teodora Peneva PhD - team leader, Dragovest Djalov, Boyan Mladenov PhD, Vasil Zarkov PhD | SHEERenov project