- Publication date
- 9 November 2017
An independent, academic review of evidence resulting in a new definition of fuel poverty in Scotland.
As recommended by the Scottish Fuel Poverty Strategic Working Group and the Scottish Rural Fuel Poverty Task Force, the Scottish Government appointed an independent panel of experts to review the fuel poverty definition to ensure it is fit for purpose. The review panel submitted their report to Scottish Ministers in September. The report "A new definition of fuel poverty in Scotland - A review of recent evidence" sets out the review panel's findings and a series of evidence based recommendations with a clear aim of making improvements to the current fuel poverty definition. The report demonstrates that the proposed new definition should be better targeted on those likely to be experiencing adverse outcomes associated with fuel poverty - such as being unable to heat the home to a comfortable level; impacts on the physical condition of the dwelling such as damp and mould; financial problems, including debt, directly related to fuel; broader financial difficulties; and indicators of poor wellbeing.
The review report has helped shape the Scottish Government's fuel poverty strategy consultation document.
Authors: Bramley, G., Fitzpatrick, S., Liddell, C., & Webb, J.