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Reporting Guidelines on Energy Poverty


Publication date
13 June 2022
EPAH Type of publication
Report (policy paper, recommendation)


This publication is produced by the Covenant of Mayors (CoM) Europe in collaboration with the European Commission’s Joint Research Centre (JRC) and the Energy Poverty Advisory Hub (EPAH). These guidelines provide an overview for signatories of the energy poverty pillar in the CoM Europe framework and the support options that are available to them.

The commitment of European signatories defines the vision that by 2050, we will all be living in decarbonised and resilient cities with access to affordable, secure and sustainable energy. As part of the Covenant of Mayors - Europe movement, signatories commit to tackling energy poverty as one key action to ensure a just transition.

To support signatories in their planning and implementation efforts on energy poverty, the Covenant of Mayors Europe Office, in cooperation with the JRC and EPAH, and through the engagement of a wide pool of practitioners, developed the energy poverty pillar of the CoM – Europe reporting and monitoring framework. The framework has been consulted with a group of city practitioners working on energy poverty. The pillar is also aligned with the recommendations of the Global Covenant of Mayors.



Reporting Guidelines on Energy Poverty