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SCORE: Prosumership Policy Recommendations


Publication date
5 April 2022
EPAH Type of publication
Report (policy paper, recommendation)


Consumer (co-)ownership in renewable energies (RE) is an essential cornerstone to the overall success of energy transition. With the recast of the Renewable Energy Directive (RED II) – once the Directive has been transposed into national law – consumers, as prosumers, will have the right to consume, store or sell RE generated on their premises. Either individually or as part of Renewable Energy Communities (REC).

The Horizon 2020 SCORE - Supporting Consumer Ownership in Renewable Energies project is facilitating consumers to become (co-)owners of renewable energies (RE). The project developed models how to best organise joint prosumership projects so that co-ownership in the RE systems and the sharing of the energy produced within the REC can be guaranteed in a fair, inclusive, and sustainable manner, as stipulated by the RED II.

To ensure this balance, SCORE has developed and promoted the application of Consumer Stock Ownership Plans (CSOPs) for renewable energy projects and applied the model in several REC pilot projects.

Based on experiences in the field, this document analyses the current national conditions for RECs in the countries involved in the SCORE project. The authors put special focus on three aspects defined in the RED II: The legal framework to establish REC business models, the rules for energy sharing within RECs and the opportunities to include vulnerable groups in this transition are evaluated. The analysis often refers to the transposition of the RED II into national law, a process which is still ongoing in several EU member states.



Prosumership Policy Recommendations