Policies and Measures
The city of San Martin de los Andes has implemented the project “Abrigá tu Casa” with the goal to turn weatherization into a public housing improvement policy in the city.
The first stage of the project has audited a sample of approximately 50 homes, and 30 of them are being weatherized. During 2017 and 2018, 3 public conferences and presentations were held at the City Hall to present weatherization and the steps of the project. In February 2018 US weatherizer Mark Jackson worked with the local team in San Martín de los Andes.
Countries impacted:
Argentina -
Geographical scale:
Regional and Local -
Energy poverty phase:
DiagnosisPlanningImplementation -
Intervention type:
Household energy efficiency and refurbishmentCapacity building and training -
Professionals involved:
Member of a local/national authority -
Partners involved:
Type of funding:
Private, national and local funds from Fundación FOVISEE, City Foundation, Fundación Avina, CHP -
SDGs addressed:
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