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Energy Poverty Advisory Hub

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The EPAH ATLAS is an online interactive database that allows visitors to discover more than 250 local national and international projects, measures and policies addressing energy poverty accross the world. Visitors can explore the interactive map, view a list of all entries and read more information about any case. Filtering options provide visitors the opportunity to explore the database effectively. 

Are you aware of a project or policy/measure that is not part of the EPAH ATLAS yet? Submit it by clicking on the link above.

Cádiz - EPAH Technical Assistance 
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Cádiz - EPAH Technical Assistance
Local/regional project

project to evaluate the local Annual Energy Coverage aid

Implementation Planning Diagnosis
CASE - Centre d'Appui SocialEnergie
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CASE - Centre d'Appui SocialEnergie
Policies and Measures

Support to frontline social workers.

Diagnosis Implementation
CEES - Community Energy for Energy Solidarity
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CEES - Community Energy for Energy Solidarity
United Kingdom, Portugal, Croatia, France, Belgium
International project

Identify, assess and improve replicable energy communities' energy solidarity practices.

Diagnosis Planning
CEESEN-BENDER - Building intErventions in vulNerable Districts against Energy poveRty
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CEESEN-BENDER - Building intErventions in vulNerable Districts against Energy poveRty
Croatia, Slovenia, Estonia, Poland, Romania
International project

Empowers and supports vulnerable homeowners and renters living in Soviet-era multi-apartment buildings with home renovation assistance.

Implementation Planning
CEG - SEAI Communities Energy Programme
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CEG - SEAI Communities Energy Programme
Local/regional project

A national retrofit initiative aimed at upgrading Ireland's building stock, and facilities to high standards of energy efficiency including renewable energy usage, thereby reducing fossil fuel usage energy costs and greenhouse gas emissions.

Centro Region, Arganil - EPAH Technical Assistance 
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Centro Region, Arganil - EPAH Technical Assistance
Local/regional project

develop a tool to identify and map energy poverty situations

Cerdanya - EPAH Technical Assistance 
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Cerdanya - EPAH Technical Assistance
Local/regional project

comprehensive energy poverty diagnosis using qualitative and quantitative methods, such as regional and national statistical data analysis

Chance for Buildings
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Chance for Buildings
Czech Republic
National project

Chance for Buildings is an alliance advocating the crucial societal benefits of energy efficient and quality buildings

Clean Air
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Clean Air
National project

Poland’s national subsidy scheme supporting renovations and heat source replacements in single-family houses

Implementation Planning
CLEAR-HP - Consumers Leading the EU’s Energy Ambition Response through uptake of Heat Pumps
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CLEAR-HP - Consumers Leading the EU’s Energy Ambition Response through uptake of Heat Pumps
Belgium, Bulgaria, Italy, Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain
International project

Facilitates consumers’ access to heat pumps products by addressing financial and regulatory barriers.

CLEAR-X - Consumers Leading the EU’s Energy Ambition Response, eXpansion
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CLEAR-X - Consumers Leading the EU’s Energy Ambition Response, eXpansion
North Macedonia, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Lithuania, Slovakia, Slovenia
International project

Facilitating consumers’ access to household renewables at an affordable price

Climate Active Neighbourhoods - Face-to-Face Energy Visits
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Climate Active Neighbourhoods - Face-to-Face Energy Visits
National project

The Face-to-face energy visits offered advice to low income households in Brest.

Collective self-consumption community in the municipality of Scandiano
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Collective self-consumption community in the municipality of Scandiano
Local/regional project

Project to renovate 48 houses and increase their energy dependence through PV, storage and “condominium fleet of electric vehicles

Implementation Diagnosis
ComAct - Community Tailored Actions for Energy Poverty Mitigation 
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ComAct - Community Tailored Actions for Energy Poverty Mitigation
North Macedonia, Ukraine, Lithuania, Bulgaria, Hungary
International project

Aims to make improvements in multi-family apartment buildings in the CEE and CIS regions affordable

ComActivate (Enabling Community Action for Energy Sufficiency)
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ComActivate (Enabling Community Action for Energy Sufficiency)
Bulgaria, Hungary, Lithuania
International project

develops solutions for multi-appartment family buildings that reduce energy poverty

CONDOMINIO Nzeb (Nearly Zero Energy Building Social Housing)
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CONDOMINIO Nzeb (Nearly Zero Energy Building Social Housing)
Policies and Measures

Hight quality energy performances of buildings with low cost technologies.

CONFIA - Project to improve management of vulnerable clients with blockchain
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CONFIA - Project to improve management of vulnerable clients with blockchain
Policies and Measures

A blockchain system to simplify the process of energy poverty management.

Implementation Planning
Congrés Català de Pobresa Energètica
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Congrés Català de Pobresa Energètica
Policies and Measures

A biannual congress in Sabadell offering solutions to energy poverty

Consumare meno per vivere meglio
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Consumare meno per vivere meglio
Local/regional project

Testing the ASSIST model in the municipality of Berceto

COOL LIFE (Cooling Urban Life - Governance Model Incentivising Behavioural Change to Mitigate Urban Heat Islands)
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COOL LIFE (Cooling Urban Life - Governance Model Incentivising Behavioural Change to Mitigate Urban Heat Islands)
International project

urban heat island mitigation incentive governance model that increases the number and quality of actions aimed at mitigating urban heat islands

COOLtoRISE - Rising summer energy poverty awareness to reduce cooling needs
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COOLtoRISE - Rising summer energy poverty awareness to reduce cooling needs
Bulgaria, Spain, Italy, Greece
International project

Focuses on reducing summer energy poverty incidence among European households.

COPE - Coherent Place-based Climate Action
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COPE - Coherent Place-based Climate Action
Spain, France, Denmark, Romania, Lithuania, Greece, Portugal
International project

The project unlocks the green potentials of citizen action through a place based approach

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Local/regional project

Aiming to reduce energy poverty for about 1.000 rural indigenous and mestizo families.

Cosy Homes in Lancashire
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Cosy Homes in Lancashire
United Kingdom
Policies and Measures

An accessible too for grants to fund new heating measures in domestic properties.

COVID-HAB - COVID-19 confinement, housing and habitability
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COVID-HAB - COVID-19 confinement, housing and habitability
National project

The unique national study on habitability in Spanish homes during the COVID pandemic, including perceived comfort, IEQ and energy use.