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Energy Poverty Advisory Hub

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The EPAH ATLAS is an online interactive database that allows visitors to discover more than 250 local national and international projects, measures and policies addressing energy poverty accross the world. Visitors can explore the interactive map, view a list of all entries and read more information about any case. Filtering options provide visitors the opportunity to explore the database effectively. 

Are you aware of a project or policy/measure that is not part of the EPAH ATLAS yet? Submit it by clicking on the link above.

Energy Advice Points (PAE)
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Energy Advice Points (PAE)
Local/regional project

A free municipal service offering advice on energy rights.

Energy Advisory Office (Oficina de asesoramiento energético)
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Energy Advisory Office (Oficina de asesoramiento energético)
Local/regional project

Office providing advise on energy issues.

Energy bonus - Primes Energie REVOLUTION
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Energy bonus - Primes Energie REVOLUTION
Policies and Measures

Low income households can get up to 70% of the eligible cost covered by the bonus.

Energy desk - Guichets Énergie
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Energy desk - Guichets Énergie
Policies and Measures

Physical places where people can go to and get personalised advice on energy-related topics

Energy Efficiency at Household Buildings (Εξοικονόμηση κατ’ Οίκον 2020) Programme
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Energy Efficiency at Household Buildings (Εξοικονόμηση κατ’ Οίκον 2020) Programme
Policies and Measures

Provides households with financial assistance to improve the energy efficiency of their house

Energy efficiency in buildings in the Attica Prefecture
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Energy efficiency in buildings in the Attica Prefecture
Policies and Measures

Financial assistance to improve the energy efficiency of their house

Planning Implementation
Energy Efficiency of Multi-Family Residential Buildings National Programme
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Energy Efficiency of Multi-Family Residential Buildings National Programme
Policies and Measures

Renovation of multi-family residential buildings

Energy Hardship Expert Panel
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Energy Hardship Expert Panel
New Zealand
Policies and Measures

Brings together leaders from a range of backgrounds who work directly with households living in or at risk of energy hardship.

Energy Keeper
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Energy Keeper
Germany, Spain, Italy, Israel, Netherlands, Lithuania
Policies and Measures

Project to design and test a novel, scalable and sustainable battery

Energy loan (Energielening)
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Energy loan (Energielening)
Policies and Measures

Interest-free loans for low-income home owners

Energy Performance Contracts
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Energy Performance Contracts
Local/regional project

The local public authority responsible for urban development launched an innovative tool for energy retrofits in co-owned deprived properties.

Energy poverty indicators at the municipal scale in Barcelona
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Energy poverty indicators at the municipal scale in Barcelona
Policies and Measures

Compilation and assessment of local datasets and indicators for estimating energy poverty in Barcelona.

Energy Savings Project Nuremberg - EnergieSparProjekt Nürnberg
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Energy Savings Project Nuremberg - EnergieSparProjekt Nürnberg
Policies and Measures

Socially trained energy consultants provide advice to low-income households

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New Zealand
Local/regional project

EnergyMate (EM) is a partnership between electricity retailers, distribution (lines) companies, community organisations, and the government.

Implementation Planning
EnergyMeasures – Tailored measures supporting energy vulnerable households
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EnergyMeasures – Tailored measures supporting energy vulnerable households
Belgium, Bulgaria, Ireland, Netherlands, North Macedonia, Poland, United Kingdom
International project

Energy Measures identifies energy poor households, provides them low-cost energy measures and facilitates to change their energy-related behaviours

Implementation Planning
ENERJ - Joint Actions for Energy Efficiency
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ENERJ - Joint Actions for Energy Efficiency
Greece, Albania, Cyprus, Croatia, Italy, Spain, Malta, Portugal, Slovenia
International project

Energy Communities as a way to support low income households locally.

EnerSHIFT - Energy Social Housing Innovative Financing Tender
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EnerSHIFT - Energy Social Housing Innovative Financing Tender
Local/regional project

Renovation project including elaborate financing scheme

ENERSOC - On-line tool for social energy advice and energy management of households
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ENERSOC - On-line tool for social energy advice and energy management of households
National project

Online tool that develops a personalized energy diagnosis.

ENPOR – Actions to mitigate energy poverty in the private rental sector
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ENPOR – Actions to mitigate energy poverty in the private rental sector
Micronesia (Federated States of)
International project

ENPOR support adaption/implementation of policies tailored for the Private Rented Sector’s need and integrate them into broader objectives.

Diagnosis Planning
EnPover - Municipalities Municipal low-cost energy efficiency measures to alleviate energy poverty
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EnPover - Municipalities Municipal low-cost energy efficiency measures to alleviate energy poverty
Poland, Germany, Hungary
International project

Provides municipalities ready-to-use tools boosting implementation of low-cost energy efficiency measures.

ENTRACK - Empowering local and regional authorities to design clean Energy TRAnsition plans through Capacity and Knowledge
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ENTRACK - Empowering local and regional authorities to design clean Energy TRAnsition plans through Capacity and Knowledge
Greece, Italy, Portugal, Spain
International project

ENTRACK aims to support local authorities in co-designing social energy plans.

Diagnosis Planning Implementation
EPIU - Energy Poverty Intelligence Unit
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EPIU - Energy Poverty Intelligence Unit
Policies and Measures

Energy poverty intelligence system

EU Peers (European Practitioners for Integrated Home Renovation Services)
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EU Peers (European Practitioners for Integrated Home Renovation Services)
Italy, France, Spain, Latvia, Hungary, Ireland
International project

This is your Community of Practice for increasing the impact of one-stop shops for residential building renovation across Europe

Diagnosis Planning
Eurometropole of Strasbourg - EPAH Technical Assistance
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Eurometropole of Strasbourg - EPAH Technical Assistance
Local/regional project

reinforce the transversality of the metropolis management