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Energy Poverty Advisory Hub


Publications (259)

  • Report (policy paper, recommendation)
Aquest passat mes de juny s’ha publicat el llibre Pobresa energètica: reptes i dilemes (PDF), sorgit dels testimonis i reflexions que es van poder sentir durant el 1er Congrés Català de Pobresa Energètica que va tenir lloc el novembre de 2016 a Sabadell.

  • Scientific paper
Presents an in-situ survey of various characteristics related with energy poverty in Greece. It is a first attempt to analyze residential energy, habitants’ behavior, and attitudes in the middle of the economic crisis in North Greece.

  • Scientific paper
The specific study aims to investigate energy poverty and its effect in Central Makedonia, in northern Greece, where the climate is harsher and heating requirements significantly higher than in the other parts of the country. A questionnaire aiming to assess energy poverty in low income urban areas.