Publications (179)
This paper tracks the proportion of household expenditure devoted to energy between 1992 and 2014, implementing a major new correction to energy expenditure for households with prepayment meters, who tend to be low income households.
This report complements a BEIS-funded toolkit that has been produced by Cornwall Council and Citizens Advice to help health services understand the drivers for taking action on cold homes and how they can support people to live well at home.
The aim of this publication is to provide a comprehensive view of the latest statistical trends and analysis of fuel poverty in England.
The document presents considerations about small wind technology under context of low carbon technology in Brazil, niches and benefits potential for community.
The aim of this paper is to present policy instruments that will reduce the scale of energy poverty in Poland.
The report includes a full set of research findings on barriers and enablers to vulnerability innovation.
This report discusses the housing conditions of energy-deprived people in Poland on the basis of household surveys.
Using spatial analyses, the paper interrogates sub-regional estimates of the two indicators in England, where the LIHC indicator was first conceived.
The aim of the report is to present the scale and characteristics of energy poverty in Poland based on the latest available data.