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Energy Poverty Advisory Hub


Publications (182)

  • Report (policy paper, recommendation)
12% of people in Poland live in energy poverty.Poland’s rate of energy poverty has decreased in the last five years. Energy poverty affects mainly people living in villages and small towns

  • Report (policy paper, recommendation)

The aim of the report is to present the scale and characteristics of energy poverty in Poland based on the latest available data.

  • Report (policy paper, recommendation)
Aquest passat mes de juny s’ha publicat el llibre Pobresa energètica: reptes i dilemes (PDF), sorgit dels testimonis i reflexions que es van poder sentir durant el 1er Congrés Català de Pobresa Energètica que va tenir lloc el novembre de 2016 a Sabadell.

  • Scientific paper
Presents an in-situ survey of various characteristics related with energy poverty in Greece. It is a first attempt to analyze residential energy, habitants’ behavior, and attitudes in the middle of the economic crisis in North Greece.