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Energy Poverty Advisory Hub

Technical assistance

The Energy Poverty Advisory Hub (EPAH) invited through two open calls local governments and/or organisations working in strict collaboration with local governments from all the 27 EU Member States to submit their requests for technical assistance and receive support in the process of tackling energy poverty. 

Applicants were able to submit their proposal online between February and March of 2022 (first call) and between March and April of 2023 (second call). At the moment EPAH is in close collaboration with about 85 local governments assisting them to implement their workplans. 

Explore below the impressive achievements of the cities honored in the first call with the results presented below as well as the ongoing workplans of the local governments honored in the second call:

Les Garrigues region
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Les Garrigues region


Energy poverty phase: Diagnosis

Beneficiary: Regional Council of Les Garrigues
Expert: Cooperativa de Servicios energéticos C y C Coop.V (AeioLuz)

The main objectives of the technical assistance are the diagnosis of energy poverty at the regional level and the promotion of citizen energy communities as a means to address it. Additionally, the region aims to define technical criteria regarding evaluation and improvement of the energy efficiency of buildings.

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Energy poverty phase: Diagnosis

Beneficiary: Comune di Leverano
Expert: Studio Pagliula Associato Ingegneri e Architetti

The municipality wishes to increase its knowledge and awareness of energy poverty in its territory. The expected results concern the orientation of the strategic SECAP’s action plan and future monitoring to be able to prevent the ever-growing energy poverty, the identification and social inclusion of more vulnerable groups of people within the SECAP’s development and planning process, the definition of the main indicators for understanding and monitoring energy poverty.

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Energy poverty phase: Diagnosis

Beneficiaries: The Municipality of Lorca 
Expert: Polytechnic University of Madrid

This technical assistance aimed to assess the extent of energy poverty in the area, considering its impact on the population, severity, underlying energy issues, involved stakeholders, and potential solutions. The motivation stemmed from the lack of historical site-specific data for the target population. The plan aimed to integrate an energy poverty perspective into the existing neighborhood recovery master plan.

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Lumiar, Lisbon
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Lumiar, Lisbon


Energy poverty phase: Diagnosis, Planning

Beneficiaries: Lumiar Parish Council, Local Partnership of Telheiras
Expert: Coopérnico and CENSE, FCT-NOVA University of Lisbon

The project aimed to raise awareness and diagnose energy poverty while offering counseling to vulnerable households and community intermediaries. The TA produced an open-access guide for building local energy communities, aiming for replication in Lumiar Parish Council and alignment with Portugal's multi-level energy and climate policies. 

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Energy poverty phase: Diagnosis

Beneficiaries: City of Malmö, BID Möllevången/Sofielund
Expert: Lund University

The objective is to have a diagnosis to present the situation to politicians and decision-maker by clarifying how energy poverty exists within different kinds of housing (small houses, apartments, rented flats etc.) and what can be the consequences over a longer period of time.

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Energy poverty phase:

Beneficiary: Mátraterenye
Expert: MEHI

Mátraterenye aims to tackle energy poverty by gaining in-depth insights into its nature and extent. The long-term goal is to enhance residents' housing quality, making homes more comfortable, affordable, and healthy. The objective is to
formulate a local energy poverty mitigation strategy within a sustainable energy and climate plan. 

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Energy poverty phase: Diagnosis

Beneficiary: Junta de Freguesia de Mértola and Associação de Moradores do Centro Histórico de Mértola

Expert: Institute of Social Sciences, University of Lisbon (ICS-ULisboa)

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Energy poverty phase: Diagnosis

Beneficiaries: Eurometropolis of Metz, City of Metz
Expert: GP Conseil, Gefosat

The project's initial goal was to tackle personal data access and management for identifying energy-poor individuals and financing building renovations. However, after a diagnostic phase, the focus shifted to establishing a comprehensive policy involving energy, climate, housing, and social services.

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Energy poverty phase: Planning

Beneficiary: Comune di Milano, Agenzia Mobilità Ambiente Territorio(AMAT)
Expert: Azzurra Spirito

This technical assistance will support Milan to develop an initial Energy Poverty Mitigation Plan. Milan, as a Covenant of Mayors signatory, is mandated to create this plan from 2024 onward, with a focus on policies addressing energy poverty. The plan will encompass a climate assessment and consist of five key pillars: Climate, Spaces/Housing, Socio-economic Aspects, Regulatory Framework, and Participation/Awareness.

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Energy poverty phase: Diagnosis

Beneficiaries: Municipality of Milan
Expert: Agenzia Mobilità Ambiente e Territorio (AMAT)

Originally, the project aimed to refine the structure of the help desk, which in an initial experiment had found it difficult to intercept its proper users. The launch of the consultancy made clear the need to link the help desk's operations to a broader strategic vision, capable of activating an eco-systemic action, inside and outside the public administration,

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Energy poverty phase: Diagnosis

Beneficiaries: Municipality of Modena, AESS
Expert: Voluntary Association Porta Aperta

The objectives encompassed comprehending the extent of energy poverty in Modena, applying training through the ASSIST methodology, mapping local stakeholders and initiatives, conducting a neighborhood survey to establish an energy community, and analysing both social and technical aspects for community energy development.

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Energy poverty phase: Diagnosis

Beneficiaries: Montsià regional authority
Expert: Enginyeria Sense Fronteres

The project aimed at establishing recommendations based on the conclusions of the diagnosis. Other objectives included carrying out knowledge transfer activities aimed at the different actors involved, preparing a final report, and prioritising networking with entities that have already addressed the issue previously and establish customary and transparent dynamics.

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Energy poverty phase: Planning

Beneficiaries: Murcia City Council

Expert: AEIOLuz

The primary aim was to enhance the group's capacity to combat energy poverty in the city. Specific objectives included revitalising the local Energy Poverty Group, formulating an action plan, and implementing monitoring mechanisms with indicators to assess progress in addressing energy poverty.

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Energy poverty phase: Planning

Beneficiary: Niepolomice Municipality, Krakow Metropolitan Area (KMA), 'Better Niepolomice' Foundation (BN)
Expert: The Association of Municipalities Polish Network "Energie Cités"

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Pallars Jussà
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Pallars Jussà


Energy poverty phase: Diagnosis

Beneficiary: Regional Council Pallars Jussà
Expert: Associació Internacional d'Enginyeria Sense Fronteres

The goal is to create a diagnosis identifying vulnerable households, housing deficiencies, and suitable locations for photovoltaic installations.

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Energy poverty phase: Diagnosis

Beneficiary: Pamplona
Expert: Fundación Ecología y Desarrollo (ECODES)

The municipality seeks assistance to define the characterisation of energy poverty to understand concretely which populations and buildings to target in further actions. The diagnosis that will be carried out will serve as a basis to define a plan to combat the challenge at the city level. The city council will work closely with social services and energy agencies for the activities, and collaborate with other municipal offices to ensure cross-cutting actions (education, participation, rehabilitation offices).

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Energy poverty phase: Diagnosis, Planning

Beneficiary: Sátoraljaújhely
Expert: Habitat for Humanity Hungary

The municipality aims to combat energy poverty and cut emissions through data analysis and stakeholder mapping, targeted events and dissemination of results to relevant stakeholders.

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Energy poverty phase: Diagnosis

Beneficiaries: Sitges Municipality
Expert: ECODES

The municipality planned to create energy communities in municipal buildings, strategically placing photovoltaic installations in areas impacted by energy poverty. This approach aimed to empower residents to participate in solar selfconsumption, thereby lowering their energy costs.

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South Dublin
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South Dublin


Energy poverty phase: Planning

Beneficiary: South Dublin County Council, EnergyLads

Expert: University College Cork - National University of Ireland, Cork

The aim of the technical support is to strategically assist Sláintecare Healthy Communities in contributing towards a measurable reduction in energy consumption in low-income households, through the dissemination and promotion of energy awareness information.

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Energy poverty phase: Diagnosis

Beneficiary: Strovolos Municipality

Expert: The Cyprus Institute

The assistance aims to identify local indicators, energy vulnerable households, raise awareness, explore resident participation in Energy Communities, assess SDG progress, and disseminate findings.

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Energy poverty phase: Diagnosis

Beneficiary: Tulcea Municipality
Expert: Association Center for the Study of Democracy

The technical assistance will provide a scientific and objective diagnosis, identifying energy vulnerability sources, social structures, and types of poverty. This data-driven approach will facilitate policy and measure identification, capacity building for municipal staff, and awareness-raising strategies.

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Energy poverty phase: Planning

Beneficiary: Valencia city, Caritas Diocesana de València, AEIOLuz Coop
Expert: Universidad Politécnica de Madrid

The objective of the technical assistance is to address summer energy poverty. Firstly, the city aims to build internal knowledge to design communication material that will successfully reach out to vulnerable households.

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Energy poverty phase: Diagnosis

Beneficiaries: City of Zagreb
Expert: DOOR

The project's aim was to identify energy-poor households within the administrative area of the City of Zagreb. The gathered data served as the foundation for the City of Zagreb to formulate a comprehensive and inclusive programme that aligned with the analysed needs of its citizens.

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Energy poverty phase: Diagnosis

Beneficiaries: City of Zamość
Expert: Association of Municipalities Polish Network „Energie Cités”

The technical assistance aimed to help the city assess current conditions, identify data gaps, and develop a methodological approach for collecting this missing data. Moreover, the project focused on analysing data, suggesting local solutions based on successful practices, and integrating the issue of energy poverty into local strategic planning.

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