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Energy Poverty Advisory Hub

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The EPAH ATLAS is an online interactive database that allows visitors to discover more than 250 local national and international projects, measures and policies addressing energy poverty accross the world. Visitors can explore the interactive map, view a list of all entries and read more information about any case. Filtering options provide visitors the opportunity to explore the database effectively. 

Are you aware of a project or policy/measure that is not part of the EPAH ATLAS yet? Submit it by clicking on the link above.

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Romania, Ukraine, Portugal, Spain, Ireland, Slovakia
International project

Aims to accelerate the roll-out of certified green homes across Europe

Social funds for energy management - Fonds sociaux d'aide aux travaux de maîtrise de l’énergie (FSATME)
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Social funds for energy management - Fonds sociaux d'aide aux travaux de maîtrise de l’énergie (FSATME)
Policies and Measures

Funds bringing financial support to families in need for renovation work

Implementation Diagnosis
Social Green Regional Policies towards Greening the Social Housing Sector
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Social Green Regional Policies towards Greening the Social Housing Sector
Portugal, Spain, Croatia, Estonia, Romania
International project

Improve regional policy instruments targeting the link between social housing and fuel poverty with green building interventions

Diagnosis Planning Implementation
Social project Alisée
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Social project Alisée
Local/regional project

The project aims to support initiatives and networking to support energy poor

Diagnosis Planning Implementation
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Croatia, France, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Romania, Spain
International project

Development of innovative schemes to identify vulnerable consumers and alliviate energy poverty

Solar4All - Energia Solar per a Tothom
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Solar4All - Energia Solar per a Tothom
Local/regional project

Participation of vulnerable people from public photovoltaic installations that they allow families to receive a bonus on the bill.

SOLENI service (from ULISSE Energie)
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SOLENI service (from ULISSE Energie)
Policies and Measures

SOLENI works in cooperation with local entities like the departmental council.

Solidarity fund for housing - Fonds de solidarité logement (FSL)
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Solidarity fund for housing - Fonds de solidarité logement (FSL)
Policies and Measures

Emergency fund available on demand for people having difficulties paying their rents and electricity bills.

South Dublin -  EPAH Technical Assistance
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South Dublin - EPAH Technical Assistance
Local/regional project

assist Sláintecare Healthy Communities in contributing towards a measurable reduction in energy consumption in low-income households

Sponsorship Plan "Saving - Upgrading the Homes"
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Sponsorship Plan "Saving - Upgrading the Homes"
Policies and Measures

Extensive energy upgrade of existing homes

Sponsorship plan to encourage the use of renewable energy sources and energy savings in residences 2021
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Sponsorship plan to encourage the use of renewable energy sources and energy savings in residences 2021
Policies and Measures

Provides financial incentives to encourage the use of RES and implement EXE measures in existing residential buildings

SSA - Solar Savers Adelaide: Solar PVs for Low-Income Households
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SSA - Solar Savers Adelaide: Solar PVs for Low-Income Households
Local/regional project

Financing scheme for PV installation for vulnerable consumers

Diagnosis Planning Implementation
STEP - Solutions to Tackle Energy Poverty
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STEP - Solutions to Tackle Energy Poverty
Bulgaria, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Portugal, Slovakia, United Kingdom
International project

Encourages behavioural change and low-cost energy efficiency solutions among consumers in or at risk of energy poverty

Implementation Planning Diagnosis
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United Kingdom, Hungary, Greece
International project

Analysing consumption and developing sustainable solution for vulnerable consumers

Stop Smog
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Stop Smog
National project

replace high-emission heat sources to improve air quality

Diagnosis Planning Implementation
Stromspar-Check (energy-saving check)
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Stromspar-Check (energy-saving check)
National project

Advisers consult low-income households on how to save energy and water.

Strovolos - EPAH Technical Assistance
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Strovolos - EPAH Technical Assistance
Local/regional project

identify energy poverty and explore resident participation in Energy Communities

Subsidy for house renovation from the Municipality of Karposh
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Subsidy for house renovation from the Municipality of Karposh
North Macedonia
Policies and Measures

The municipality provide up to 50% subsidy for the façade and 30% for the roof of MFABs

SUITE - Scaling Up Innovation Together for Energy Vulnerability
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SUITE - Scaling Up Innovation Together for Energy Vulnerability
Poland, Spain, Hungary, Italy, Romania
International project

Reducing energy poverty through social operators

Sun4All - Eurosolar for all: energy communities for a fair energy transition in Europe
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Sun4All - Eurosolar for all: energy communities for a fair energy transition in Europe
Portugal, Spain, Italy, France
International project

Aimed at ensuring that vulnerable households have access to renewable energies

SUPER-i - PPP Financing for energy efficiency investments in social housing
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SUPER-i - PPP Financing for energy efficiency investments in social housing
Slovenia, Italy, Denmark
International project

Supports the funding of energy efficient refurbishment of social housing stocks across Europe.

Implementation Diagnosis Planning
Superando la vulnerabilidad energética en la comuna de Renca
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Superando la vulnerabilidad energética en la comuna de Renca
Local/regional project

Definition and implementation of concrete measures to reduce monthly energy expenditure and improve quality of life.

Diagnosis Planning
SUPPORT-DHC (Supporting a fast implementation of low-grade renewable energy and waste heat for district heating and cooling)
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SUPPORT-DHC (Supporting a fast implementation of low-grade renewable energy and waste heat for district heating and cooling)
Austria, Germany, Italy, Lithuania, Poland, Ukraine
International project

Supporting a fast implementation of low-grade renewable energy and waste heat for district heating and cooling

Survey among single-family house owners in Sztum
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Survey among single-family house owners in Sztum
Policies and Measures

A survey conducted by the city of Sztum targeted owners of and families living in 50 single-family houses in a quarter.

Diagnosis Planning
sustaiNAVility Navarra - A region supporting the sustainable energy
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sustaiNAVility Navarra - A region supporting the sustainable energy
Local/regional project

Support sustainability at the regional level of Navarra