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Energy Poverty Advisory Hub

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The EPAH ATLAS is an online interactive database that allows visitors to discover more than 250 local national and international projects, measures and policies addressing energy poverty accross the world. Visitors can explore the interactive map, view a list of all entries and read more information about any case. Filtering options provide visitors the opportunity to explore the database effectively. 

Are you aware of a project or policy/measure that is not part of the EPAH ATLAS yet? Submit it by clicking on the link above.

Diagnosis Planning
NUOVE ENERGIE sportello povertà energetica di Portobello
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NUOVE ENERGIE sportello povertà energetica di Portobello
Local/regional project

NUOVE ENERGIE is the first consultancy desk on electricity and gas consumption in the city offered to the beneficiary families.

OneClickRENO (Accelerating zero-emissions building renovations)
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OneClickRENO (Accelerating zero-emissions building renovations)
Spain, Ireland, Italy, Netherlands, Greece
International project

making visible and tangible the benefits of deep renovations using Building Renovation Passports (BRPs)

OV - Oficina verde (Green Office)
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OV - Oficina verde (Green Office)
Local/regional project

Savings in energy bills and strategies to save kWh.

Planning Implementation
PACTE-15% - Territorial strategy to reduce energy poverty
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PACTE-15% - Territorial strategy to reduce energy poverty
Policies and Measures

Offers awarereness of the difficulties identifying households in energy insecurity and make the housing renovation process accessible.

PadovaFIT - Expanded
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PadovaFIT - Expanded
Bulgaria, Romania, Italy
International project

A one-stop-shop dedicated to home renovation services

Pallars Jussà - EPAH Technical Assistance 
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Pallars Jussà - EPAH Technical Assistance
Local/regional project

The assistance focused on diagnosing energy poverty across the region and its fourteen municipalities

Pamplona - EPAH Technical Assistance
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Pamplona - EPAH Technical Assistance
Local/regional project

The assistance focused on diagnosing energy poverty across the city

Implementation Diagnosis Planning
PEER - Porto Energy ElevatoR
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PEER - Porto Energy ElevatoR
Local/regional project

Development of innovative tools related to technical, financial and legal aspects.

Penalties for poorly isolated roofs (Vlaamse dakisolatienorm - Strafpunten voor onvoldoende geisoleerde daken)
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Penalties for poorly isolated roofs (Vlaamse dakisolatienorm - Strafpunten voor onvoldoende geisoleerde daken)
Policies and Measures

Flanders introduced a minimum standard for roof insulations

Implementation Diagnosis Planning
PIE - Programa de Inclusión Energética (Energy Inclusion Program)
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PIE - Programa de Inclusión Energética (Energy Inclusion Program)
Colombia, Chile
National project

Assistance to low income households to acces clean and renewable energy

Implementation Diagnosis Planning
Plateforme de lutte contre la précarité énergétique
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Plateforme de lutte contre la précarité énergétique
Local/regional project

Implementation of One-stop shop to tackle energy poverty in the Grenoble metropolitan area

Implementation Diagnosis Planning
Ponto de Transição - Transition Point 
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Ponto de Transição - Transition Point
Local/regional project

Innovative model aiming to improve the energy performance of homes

Pop-up Energy Desks
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Pop-up Energy Desks
United Kingdom
Local/regional project

The pop-up energy desks allow an easy access to energy edvice for disadvantaged residents in Hastings (UK).

Planning Diagnosis
POWER-E-COM (Empowering Renewable and Citizen Energy Communities)
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POWER-E-COM (Empowering Renewable and Citizen Energy Communities)
Austria, Bulgaria, Germany, Ireland, Slovenia, Spain
International project

Empowering Renewable and Citizen Energy Communities

Diagnosis Planning
POWERTY - Renewable energy for vulnerable groups
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POWERTY - Renewable energy for vulnerable groups
Spain, France, Bulgaria, Poland, Lithuania
International project

Increasing access to renewable energy for vulnerable groups to tackle energy poverty

Programme MAGE - Measure and Accompany to Guarantee Energy Savings
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Programme MAGE - Measure and Accompany to Guarantee Energy Savings
Policies and Measures

Group and individual workshops to educate low income households in monitoring and measuring consumption

Diagnosis Planning Implementation
Proyecto de Energías Renovables en Mercados Rurales / Renewable Energy Project in Rural Markets (PERMER)
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Proyecto de Energías Renovables en Mercados Rurales / Renewable Energy Project in Rural Markets (PERMER)
Policies and Measures

Investment and technical assistance to ensure the supply of electricity to a part of the country's population without grid access

Punt Assessorament Energètic
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Punt Assessorament Energètic
Policies and Measures

Helps social services to assess energy contracts of vulnerable users

Diagnosis Planning
RAPPEL - Réseau des acteurs contre la pauvreté et la précarité énergétique dans le logement / Energy poverty network
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RAPPEL - Réseau des acteurs contre la pauvreté et la précarité énergétique dans le logement / Energy poverty network
National project

Sllows members to increase their skills, contribute to knowledge sharing and feedback.

Diagnosis Planning
REACH - Reduce Energy Use and Change Habits
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REACH - Reduce Energy Use and Change Habits
Bulgaria, Croatia, Albania, Slovenia, North Macedonia
International project

Empowers energy poor households to take actions to save energy and change their habits

REC4EU (Renewable Energy Communities for EU regions GREEN Renewable energy)
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REC4EU (Renewable Energy Communities for EU regions GREEN Renewable energy)
Italy, Belgium, Poland, Slovakia, Finland, Spain, France
International project

territorial cooperation facilitating the uptake of renewable energy communties

Planning Implementation
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Policies and Measures

A revolving fund assigning resources to vulnerable citizens

Planning Implementation
REECH - Renewables and Energy Efficiency in Community Housing
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REECH - Renewables and Energy Efficiency in Community Housing
United Kingdom
National project

Local jobs via retrofitting interventions and reduce CO2 emissions

RenBEN - Renovatie tot een Bjina-Energie-Neturale-Woning
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RenBEN - Renovatie tot een Bjina-Energie-Neturale-Woning
Local/regional project

Renovation of terraced houses and sustainable solutions.

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Policies and Measures

Give access to 0% interest loans to low income household owners in Wallonia.