Examining different elements of the Fit for 55 package and other relevant energy legislation, the document offers recommendations for their implementation and transposition into national laws from the perspective of alleviating energy poverty on the local level.
Publications (179)
The aim of the national roadmaps is to build on current project activities and to enable the application of the POWERPOOR approach to promote integrated energy poverty mitigation policies across all regions and cities within the pilot countries.
The Energy Poverty Advisory Hub (EPAH) launches its series of practical guidebooks, aiming to give local governments and practitioners concrete procedures and a clear path on how to address energy poverty, with the first volume dedicated to energy poverty diagnosis.
This manuscript presents the policy implications stemming from the implementation of the POWEPROOR approach in alleviating energy poverty in eight European countries, as co-created with relevant stakeholders in each country.
Using a mixed methods approach, our network has conducted research to advance knowledge and interpretations
of energy poverty and boost scientific outputs’ capacity to shape knowledge- based policies.
n the sphere of Fire Safety, there is an opinion that the people living in energy poverty face a greater
fire risk and so are exposed to a double penalty.The data regarding the link between fire safety and energy poverty is in development.
Buildings are responsible for more than 30% of the EU’s greenhouse gas emissions from energy. To increase energy and resource efficiency, the EU Renovation Wave sets the target of doubling renovation rates in the next ten years.
This paper evaluates whether, how, and why policy documents in six diverse European countries (Spain, France, Portugal, the UK, North Macedonia, and Slovenia) link energy poverty to other related policy areas.
The aim is to develop and test a model for the provision of integrated residential renovation services on the territory of Sofia in Bulgaria.
This paper analyses the regional impact of replacing space heating and cooling equipment on energy poverty levels in the population using the Energy Poverty Vulnerability Index.
SCORE has developed and promoted the application of Consumer Stock Ownership Plans (CSOPs) for renewable energy projects and applied the model in several REC pilot projects.
While wind power is one of the fastest growing, most mature and cost-competitive renewable energy (RE) technologies, its deployment faces significant challenges due to low acceptance amongst societal actors
This Energy Poverty Advisory Hub report conducts a thorough scientific literature review of studies that delve into energy poverty assessment and the identification and targeting of the energy-poor population at subnational spatial scales.
The briefing lays out why energy poverty cannot be solved by ‘letting the market play its game’.
This paper investigates whether energy poor households may be overlooked because they self-restrict their residential heating to underconsumption.
The main conclusion of the research study was officially sent by ERI to the government at the end of July 2022, and served as a basis for the adoption of an official energy poverty definition in Bulgaria.
This report, available in 24 languages, displays a series of 24 inspirational cases of how energy poverty can be alleviated at the local level.